Fukushima Daiichi Status Updates

On 27 April 2021, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during March, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of March. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 27 April 2021, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during March, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of March. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

This assessment has been performed on aspects presented in the February 2021 report 'Events and highlights on the progress related to recovery operations at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station'. It does not include recent developments that will be taken into consideration in a next report.

Achieving the milestone of completing the removal and treatment of stagnant water in the target buildings

The IAEA acknowledges that the removal and treatment of the stagnant water in the target buildings has been successfully completed and that the associated milestone has been achieved. 

Achieving the milestone of reducing the amount of generated contaminated water and completion of analysis of ALPS secondary treatment performance confirmation tests

The IAEA acknowledges that the milestone of reducing the amount of generated contaminated water has been achieved. The IAEA acknowledges that ALPS secondary treatment showed good performance. The Agency considers that both results will have a positive impact on realistic and sustainable contaminated water management including decision on the disposition path. The IAEA notes that, in the future, a third-party organization will conduct analyses of samples from the ALPS secondary treatment.

Delay in the trial fuel debris retrieval from Unit 2 due to COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom

The IAEA notes the delay in trial of fuel debris retrieval from Unit 2 and acknowledges Japan’s efforts to minimize the process delay within nearly one year. 

Fuel removal from the Spent Fuel Pool in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress towards completion of fuel removal from the SFP in Unit 3. 

Sea area monitoring results

Based on the information provided by Japan, the IAEA notes that no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota, including fishery products, during the period covered by this report. The levels measured by Japan in the marine environment are low and relatively stable. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring. Furthermore, the IAEA considers that the ongoing data quality assurance programme that is in place is important for facilitating transparency and promoting confidence in the accuracy and quality of the results of the monitoring programme to all stakeholders.

Food products

Based on the information provided by Japan, it is noted that an assessed effective ingestion radiation dose for radiocaesium of less than 0.0010 mSv/year is less than 0.1 % of the 1 mSv/year dose criterion for radionuclides in food specified in International Basic Safety Standards1/ . In addition, an ingestion dose of less than 0.0010 mSv/year is a small fraction of the doses that arise from the ingestion of naturally occurring radionuclides in food. For example: 

  • International assessments of typical doses received from the consumption of natural radionuclides have been published by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) and calculate a worldwide average ingestion dose of 0.31 mSv/year with a typical range estimated at 0.2 – 0.8 mSv/year2/. Most of this dose is assessed as being due to the naturally occurring radionuclides of lead-210, polonium-210 and potassium-40. The radiocaesium ingestion doses calculated by the Japanese Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare from their duplicate diet study of 2019 are less than approximately 0.3 percent of the worldwide average annual dose from the ingestion of natural radioactivity.
  • A duplicate diet study3/ undertaken in the Aomori Prefecture of Japan during 2006 to 2010 (before the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant) reported a mean annual ingestion dose of 0.47 mSv/year with most of this ingestion dose being attributed to the naturally occurring radionuclides: lead-210, polonium-210 and potassium-40. The radiocaesium ingestion doses calculated by the Japanese Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare from their duplicate diet study of 2019 are less than approximately 0.2 % of this mean annual ingestion dose for background levels of radioactivity.

Based on the information provided by Japan, it is noted that the situation regarding the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. Approximately four thousand results are reported each month for food samples collected over the reporting period and this attentiveness to monitoring levels of radiocaesium in food products continues to indicate the vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. Monitoring, appropriate regulatory action and public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the safety of the food supply.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities and that the public food supply is safe. 


1/ Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 3, IAEA, Vienna (2014). See more particularly Requirement 51.
2/UNSCEAR, Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Vol. I, Annex B (2000)
3/ Y Ohtsuka et al Daily radionuclide ingestion and internal radiation doses in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Health Physics 105, 4, 340 – 350 (2013)

The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

This assessment has been performed on aspects presented in the February 2021 report 'Events and highlights on the progress related to recovery operations at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station'. It does not include recent developments that will be taken into consideration in a next report.

Achieving the milestone of completing the removal and treatment of stagnant water in the target buildings

The IAEA acknowledges that the removal and treatment of the stagnant water in the target buildings has been successfully completed and that the associated milestone has been achieved. 

Achieving the milestone of reducing the amount of generated contaminated water and completion of analysis of ALPS secondary treatment performance confirmation tests

The IAEA acknowledges that the milestone of reducing the amount of generated contaminated water has been achieved. The IAEA acknowledges that ALPS secondary treatment showed good performance. The Agency considers that both results will have a positive impact on realistic and sustainable contaminated water management including decision on the disposition path. The IAEA notes that, in the future, a third-party organization will conduct analyses of samples from the ALPS secondary treatment.

Delay in the trial fuel debris retrieval from Unit 2 due to COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom

The IAEA notes the delay in trial of fuel debris retrieval from Unit 2 and acknowledges Japan’s efforts to minimize the process delay within nearly one year. 

Fuel removal from the Spent Fuel Pool in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress towards completion of fuel removal from the SFP in Unit 3. 

Sea area monitoring results

Based on the information provided by Japan, the IAEA notes that no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota, including fishery products, during the period covered by this report. The levels measured by Japan in the marine environment are low and relatively stable. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring. Furthermore, the IAEA considers that the ongoing data quality assurance programme that is in place is important for facilitating transparency and promoting confidence in the accuracy and quality of the results of the monitoring programme to all stakeholders.

Food products

Based on the information provided by Japan, it is noted that an assessed effective ingestion radiation dose for radiocaesium of less than 0.0010 mSv/year is less than 0.1 % of the 1 mSv/year dose criterion for radionuclides in food specified in International Basic Safety Standards1/ . In addition, an ingestion dose of less than 0.0010 mSv/year is a small fraction of the doses that arise from the ingestion of naturally occurring radionuclides in food. For example: 

  • International assessments of typical doses received from the consumption of natural radionuclides have been published by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) and calculate a worldwide average ingestion dose of 0.31 mSv/year with a typical range estimated at 0.2 – 0.8 mSv/year2/. Most of this dose is assessed as being due to the naturally occurring radionuclides of lead-210, polonium-210 and potassium-40. The radiocaesium ingestion doses calculated by the Japanese Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare from their duplicate diet study of 2019 are less than approximately 0.3 percent of the worldwide average annual dose from the ingestion of natural radioactivity.
  • A duplicate diet study3/ undertaken in the Aomori Prefecture of Japan during 2006 to 2010 (before the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant) reported a mean annual ingestion dose of 0.47 mSv/year with most of this ingestion dose being attributed to the naturally occurring radionuclides: lead-210, polonium-210 and potassium-40. The radiocaesium ingestion doses calculated by the Japanese Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare from their duplicate diet study of 2019 are less than approximately 0.2 % of this mean annual ingestion dose for background levels of radioactivity.

Based on the information provided by Japan, it is noted that the situation regarding the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. Approximately four thousand results are reported each month for food samples collected over the reporting period and this attentiveness to monitoring levels of radiocaesium in food products continues to indicate the vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. Monitoring, appropriate regulatory action and public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the safety of the food supply.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities and that the public food supply is safe. 


1/ Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 3, IAEA, Vienna (2014). See more particularly Requirement 51.
2/UNSCEAR, Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Vol. I, Annex B (2000)
3/ Y Ohtsuka et al Daily radionuclide ingestion and internal radiation doses in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Health Physics 105, 4, 340 – 350 (2013)

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On 25 March 2021, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during February, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of February. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 25 March 2021, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during February, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of February. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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On 1 March 2021, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during January, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of January. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 1 March 2021, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during January, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of January. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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On 29 January 2021, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during December, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of December. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 29 January 2021, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during December, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of December. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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On 25 December 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during November, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of November. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 25 December 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during November, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of November. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

Completion of treatment of temporarily stored "Sr-reduced water"

The IAEA acknowledges that the treatment by the ALPS system of stored "Sr-reduced water" has been successfully completed. This substantially reduces the risks associated with the continual storage of "Sr-reduced water" at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS).

Revision of the Solid Waste Storage Management Plan

The IAEA notes the revision of the “Solid Waste Storage Management Plan” with no adverse effect to deadlines set in the Mid-and-Long-Term Roadmap, and understands that the updated estimate of the amount of solid waste for the next decade is of the same order of magnitude as the estimate which was provided in the previous version of the Solid Waste Storage Management Plan issued in June 2019.

Thorough COVID-19 countermeasures implemented to continue work

The IAEA notes the efforts made to prevent spreading COVID-19 infection, in order to allow for the continuity of decommissioning operations during this pandemic situation.

Fuel debris removal from Unit 2

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress towards fuel removal from Unit 2.

Fuel removal from the Spent Fuel Pool in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress toward completion of fuel removal from the SFP in Unit 3.

Sea area monitoring results

Based on the information provided by Japan, no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota during the period covered by this report. The levels measured by Japan in the marine environment are low and relatively stable. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring. Furthermore, the IAEA considers that the ongoing data quality assurance programme that is in place is important for facilitating transparency and promoting confidence in the accuracy and quality of the results of the monitoring programme to all stakeholders.

Food products

Based on the information provided by Japan, the situation regarding the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. Many thousands of food
samples were collected over the reporting period and this indicates continued vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. Monitoring, appropriate regulatory action and public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the
safety of the food supply.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, and that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities.

The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

Completion of treatment of temporarily stored "Sr-reduced water"

The IAEA acknowledges that the treatment by the ALPS system of stored "Sr-reduced water" has been successfully completed. This substantially reduces the risks associated with the continual storage of "Sr-reduced water" at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS).

Revision of the Solid Waste Storage Management Plan

The IAEA notes the revision of the “Solid Waste Storage Management Plan” with no adverse effect to deadlines set in the Mid-and-Long-Term Roadmap, and understands that the updated estimate of the amount of solid waste for the next decade is of the same order of magnitude as the estimate which was provided in the previous version of the Solid Waste Storage Management Plan issued in June 2019.

Thorough COVID-19 countermeasures implemented to continue work

The IAEA notes the efforts made to prevent spreading COVID-19 infection, in order to allow for the continuity of decommissioning operations during this pandemic situation.

Fuel debris removal from Unit 2

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress towards fuel removal from Unit 2.

Fuel removal from the Spent Fuel Pool in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress toward completion of fuel removal from the SFP in Unit 3.

Sea area monitoring results

Based on the information provided by Japan, no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota during the period covered by this report. The levels measured by Japan in the marine environment are low and relatively stable. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring. Furthermore, the IAEA considers that the ongoing data quality assurance programme that is in place is important for facilitating transparency and promoting confidence in the accuracy and quality of the results of the monitoring programme to all stakeholders.

Food products

Based on the information provided by Japan, the situation regarding the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. Many thousands of food
samples were collected over the reporting period and this indicates continued vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. Monitoring, appropriate regulatory action and public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the
safety of the food supply.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, and that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities.

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On 25 November 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during October, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of October. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 25 November 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during October, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of October. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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On 21 October 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during September, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of September. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 21 October 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during September, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of September. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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On 25 September 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during January, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of August. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 25 September 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during January, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of August. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

Completion of the dismantling plan for the Unit 1 - Unit 2 exhaust stack

The IAEA welcomes the completion of this dismantling work and the consequent improvement in the seismic tolerance of the Unit 1 – Unit 2 exhaust stack.

Disposal of ALPS treated water

The IAEA notes that the reported collection of opinions on the ALPS Subcommittee report is in line with the Advisory Point 1 from the Fourth IAEA Peer Review mission. The IAEA reiterates that a decision on the disposition path for the stored ALPS treated water must be taken urgently.

Thorough COVID-19 countermeasures implemented to continue work

The IAEA notes the efforts made to prevent COVID-19 infection among workers at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS, in order to allow for the continuity of decommissioning operations during the pandemic.

Fuel removal from Unit 1

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress towards fuel removal from Unit 1.

Fuel removal from the Spent Fuel Pool in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress toward completion of fuel removal from the SFP in Unit 3.

Sea area monitoring results

The IAEA notes that based on the information provided by Japan, no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota during the period covered by this report. The levels measured by Japan in the marine environment are low and relatively stable. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring.

Furthermore, the IAEA considers that the extensive data quality assurance programme that is in place in Japan is important for facilitating transparency and promoting confidence in the accuracy and quality of the results of the monitoring programme to all stakeholders.

Food products

The IAEA notes that based on the information provided by Japan, food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. This indicates continued vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. The situation with regard to the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Monitoring foods, appropriate regulatory action and awareness raising public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the safety of the food supply.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, and that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities.

The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

Completion of the dismantling plan for the Unit 1 - Unit 2 exhaust stack

The IAEA welcomes the completion of this dismantling work and the consequent improvement in the seismic tolerance of the Unit 1 – Unit 2 exhaust stack.

Disposal of ALPS treated water

The IAEA notes that the reported collection of opinions on the ALPS Subcommittee report is in line with the Advisory Point 1 from the Fourth IAEA Peer Review mission. The IAEA reiterates that a decision on the disposition path for the stored ALPS treated water must be taken urgently.

Thorough COVID-19 countermeasures implemented to continue work

The IAEA notes the efforts made to prevent COVID-19 infection among workers at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS, in order to allow for the continuity of decommissioning operations during the pandemic.

Fuel removal from Unit 1

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress towards fuel removal from Unit 1.

Fuel removal from the Spent Fuel Pool in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress toward completion of fuel removal from the SFP in Unit 3.

Sea area monitoring results

The IAEA notes that based on the information provided by Japan, no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota during the period covered by this report. The levels measured by Japan in the marine environment are low and relatively stable. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring.

Furthermore, the IAEA considers that the extensive data quality assurance programme that is in place in Japan is important for facilitating transparency and promoting confidence in the accuracy and quality of the results of the monitoring programme to all stakeholders.

Food products

The IAEA notes that based on the information provided by Japan, food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. This indicates continued vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. The situation with regard to the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Monitoring foods, appropriate regulatory action and awareness raising public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the safety of the food supply.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, and that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities.

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On August 21 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) during July, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as bypassing groundwater pumped until the month of July at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.


On August 21 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) during July, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as bypassing groundwater pumped until the month of July at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.


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On August 14 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) during June, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as bypassing groundwater pumped until the month of June at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On August 14 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) during June, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as bypassing groundwater pumped until the month of June at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

Revision of the Mid-and-Long-Term Roadmap towards the Decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

The IAEA welcomes that specific milestones on fuel debris retrieval, fuel removal from the 6 SFPs, contaminated water management and other activities have been set in the revised Roadmap. The IAEA notes that lifting evacuation orders is followed by the gradual return of residents and that restoring local societies while conducting decommissioning work is a point of attention for the Japanese authorities. The IAEA acknowledges that a large cover is to be installed at Unit 1 for the rubble removal and that fuel debris retrieval is to start first at Unit 2.

Publication of the report from the Subcommittee on Handling of the ALPS Treated Water

The IAEA holds the view that a decision on the disposal path for the stored ALPS treated water containing tritium and other radionuclides, after further treatment as needed, must be taken urgently considering safety aspects and engaging all stakeholders, to ensure the sustainability of the decommissioning activities and the safe and effective implementation of other risk reduction measures. In this regard, the IAEA welcomes the progress made towards decision making and the publication of the report from the “Subcommittee on Handling of the ALPS Treated Water”, which was reviewed by the IAEA at the request of the Government of Japan. The IAEA Review Report1/ was published on 2 April 2020.

Fuel removal from Units 1 and 2

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress towards fuel removal from Units 1 and 2.

Results of the test to suspend cooling of fuel debris in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the results of the cooling water suspension test in Unit 3. The IAEA recognizes that the results of this test will help optimize emergency response procedures, as well as the amount of cooling water necessary to be injected.

Fuel removal from the Spent Fuel Pool in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress toward completion of fuel removal from the SFP in Unit 3.

Sea area monitoring results

Based on the information provided by Japan, no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota during the period covered by this report. The levels of radioactivity measured by Japan in the marine environment are low and relatively stable. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring.

Sea area monitoring data quality assurance

The IAEA considers that the extensive data quality assurance programme helps to build confidence of the stakeholders in the accuracy and quality of the sea area monitoring data.

Food products

Based on the information provided by Japan, the situation regarding the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. This indicates continued vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. Monitoring, appropriate regulatory action and public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the safety of the food supply.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, and that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities.


1/  See IAEA Follow-up Review of Progress Made on Management of ALPS Treated Water and the Report of the Subcommittee on Handling of ALPS treated water at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

Revision of the Mid-and-Long-Term Roadmap towards the Decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

The IAEA welcomes that specific milestones on fuel debris retrieval, fuel removal from the 6 SFPs, contaminated water management and other activities have been set in the revised Roadmap. The IAEA notes that lifting evacuation orders is followed by the gradual return of residents and that restoring local societies while conducting decommissioning work is a point of attention for the Japanese authorities. The IAEA acknowledges that a large cover is to be installed at Unit 1 for the rubble removal and that fuel debris retrieval is to start first at Unit 2.

Publication of the report from the Subcommittee on Handling of the ALPS Treated Water

The IAEA holds the view that a decision on the disposal path for the stored ALPS treated water containing tritium and other radionuclides, after further treatment as needed, must be taken urgently considering safety aspects and engaging all stakeholders, to ensure the sustainability of the decommissioning activities and the safe and effective implementation of other risk reduction measures. In this regard, the IAEA welcomes the progress made towards decision making and the publication of the report from the “Subcommittee on Handling of the ALPS Treated Water”, which was reviewed by the IAEA at the request of the Government of Japan. The IAEA Review Report1/ was published on 2 April 2020.

Fuel removal from Units 1 and 2

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress towards fuel removal from Units 1 and 2.

Results of the test to suspend cooling of fuel debris in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the results of the cooling water suspension test in Unit 3. The IAEA recognizes that the results of this test will help optimize emergency response procedures, as well as the amount of cooling water necessary to be injected.

Fuel removal from the Spent Fuel Pool in Unit 3

The IAEA acknowledges the ongoing progress toward completion of fuel removal from the SFP in Unit 3.

Sea area monitoring results

Based on the information provided by Japan, no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota during the period covered by this report. The levels of radioactivity measured by Japan in the marine environment are low and relatively stable. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring.

Sea area monitoring data quality assurance

The IAEA considers that the extensive data quality assurance programme helps to build confidence of the stakeholders in the accuracy and quality of the sea area monitoring data.

Food products

Based on the information provided by Japan, the situation regarding the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. This indicates continued vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. Monitoring, appropriate regulatory action and public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the safety of the food supply.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, and that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities.


1/  See IAEA Follow-up Review of Progress Made on Management of ALPS Treated Water and the Report of the Subcommittee on Handling of ALPS treated water at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

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On 26 June 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) during May, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as bypassing groundwater pumped until the month of May at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 26 June 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) during May, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as bypassing groundwater pumped until the month of May at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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On 12 June 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPP)  during March, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as bypassing groundwater pumped until the month of March at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 12 June 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPP)  during March, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as bypassing groundwater pumped until the month of March at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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On 13 March 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the summary of decommissioning and contaminated water management, the discharge record and seawater monitoring results with regard to groundwater pumped from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as, bypassing groundwater pumped at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during December 2019, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on decommissioning and contaminated water management, discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of December. In all cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 13 March 2020, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the summary of decommissioning and contaminated water management, the discharge record and seawater monitoring results with regard to groundwater pumped from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as, bypassing groundwater pumped at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during December 2019, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on decommissioning and contaminated water management, discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of December. In all cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

Management of Typhoon No. 19 (Hagibis)

The IAEA acknowledges the efforts that have been made by Japan for preventing leakage of contaminated water as a result of Typhoon No. 19. The IAEA notes the absence of consequence on the air dose rate and water quality in the areas around the TSS following Typhoon No. 19.

Storage of ALPS treated water

The IAEA acknowledges the updated information and refers to the first advisory point provided in the 4th IAEA Fukushima Daiichi Peer Review Mission3: “a decision on the disposition path for the stored ALPS treated water containing tritium and other radionuclides, after further treatment as needed, must be taken urgently, engaging all stakeholders, to ensure the sustainability of the decommissioning activities and of the safe and effective implementation of other risk reduction measures.”

Fuel removal from Units 1 and 3

The IAEA notes the ongoing progress towards fuel removal from the Units 1 and 3 for storage on the site. The IAEA also notes the commitment of Japan that all activities related to fuel removal are implemented with safety as the highest priority.

Dismantling of the Unit 1 – Unit 2 common exhaust stack

The IAEA acknowledges the progress of the dismantling work of the upper half of the exhaust stack common to Unit 1 and Unit 2.

Sea area monitoring results

Based on the information provided by Japan, no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota during the period covered by this report. The levels of radioactivity measured by Japan in the marine environment remain consistently low. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring.

Sea area monitoring data quality assurance

On the basis of the results available from previous proficiency tests and interlaboratory comparison exercises, it can be concluded that Japanese laboratories monitoring seawater, marine sediment and fish from near the Fukushima Daiichi NPS produce reliable data.

The IAEA considers that the extensive data quality assurance programme helps to build confidence of the stakeholders in the accuracy and quality of the sea area monitoring data.

Food products

Based on the information provided by Japan, food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. This indicates continued vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. The situation with regard to the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Monitoring food, appropriate regulatory action and public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the safety of the food supply.

The IAEA notes that the assessed effective radiation dose to consumers from radiocaesium (Cs-134 and Cs-137) in food (on average less than 0.0011 mSv/year) is less than 0.1 percent of the 1 mSv/year dose criterion for food specified in International Basic Safety Standards1/.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, and that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities.


The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

Management of Typhoon No. 19 (Hagibis)

The IAEA acknowledges the efforts that have been made by Japan for preventing leakage of contaminated water as a result of Typhoon No. 19. The IAEA notes the absence of consequence on the air dose rate and water quality in the areas around the TSS following Typhoon No. 19.

Storage of ALPS treated water

The IAEA acknowledges the updated information and refers to the first advisory point provided in the 4th IAEA Fukushima Daiichi Peer Review Mission3: “a decision on the disposition path for the stored ALPS treated water containing tritium and other radionuclides, after further treatment as needed, must be taken urgently, engaging all stakeholders, to ensure the sustainability of the decommissioning activities and of the safe and effective implementation of other risk reduction measures.”

Fuel removal from Units 1 and 3

The IAEA notes the ongoing progress towards fuel removal from the Units 1 and 3 for storage on the site. The IAEA also notes the commitment of Japan that all activities related to fuel removal are implemented with safety as the highest priority.

Dismantling of the Unit 1 – Unit 2 common exhaust stack

The IAEA acknowledges the progress of the dismantling work of the upper half of the exhaust stack common to Unit 1 and Unit 2.

Sea area monitoring results

Based on the information provided by Japan, no significant changes were observed in the monitoring results for seawater, sediment and marine biota during the period covered by this report. The levels of radioactivity measured by Japan in the marine environment remain consistently low. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring.

Sea area monitoring data quality assurance

On the basis of the results available from previous proficiency tests and interlaboratory comparison exercises, it can be concluded that Japanese laboratories monitoring seawater, marine sediment and fish from near the Fukushima Daiichi NPS produce reliable data.

The IAEA considers that the extensive data quality assurance programme helps to build confidence of the stakeholders in the accuracy and quality of the sea area monitoring data.

Food products

Based on the information provided by Japan, food restrictions continue to be revised and updated as necessary in line with food monitoring results. This indicates continued vigilance of the authorities in Japan and their commitment to protecting consumers and trade. The situation with regard to the safety of the food supply, fishery and agricultural production continues to remain stable. Monitoring food, appropriate regulatory action and public communication are helping to maintain confidence in the safety of the food supply.

The IAEA notes that the assessed effective radiation dose to consumers from radiocaesium (Cs-134 and Cs-137) in food (on average less than 0.0011 mSv/year) is less than 0.1 percent of the 1 mSv/year dose criterion for food specified in International Basic Safety Standards1/.

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Division understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, and that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities.


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On 8 October 2019, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during September, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of September. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 8 October 2019, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during September, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of September. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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On 12 September 2019, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during August, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of August. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

On 12 September 2019, Japan provided the IAEA with a copy of a report on the discharge record and the seawater monitoring results at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station during August, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent to all international Missions in Japan.

The report contains information on discharges from the subdrain and groundwater drain systems, as well as on groundwater bypassing conducted during the month of August. In both cases, in advance of the action, TEPCO analyzes the quality of the groundwater to be discharged and announces the results. These results confirm that the radiation level of sampled water are substantially below the operational targets set by TEPCO.

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