Managed WooCommerce Hosting

Designed To Help You Sell More Online

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Special Price $9.99/mo. Discounted from $24.99/mo.


Special Price $14.99/mo. Discounted from $39.99/mo.

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We require an annual purchase paid in advance for the special price to apply. Special prices are applicable for your first invoice. For all subsequent renewals regular prices apply.

The Easiest Store Launch

Win your client's trust with secure transactions and safe website.

Increase Your Sales With
a Faster Website

Site speed is an important factor for your eCommerce success. Faster websites have better search engine standings and higher conversion rates. That is why we provide technology specifically designed to make your store run fast.

Free Cloudflare CDN

For fast site loading from anywhere. Find out more

Smart Caching

Specifically crafted for WooCommerce sites. Find out more

Ultra-fast platform

SSD servers with PHP 7 & Opcache. Find out more

Top site security and availability for better conversions

Win your clients’ trust with secure transactions and safe website

Free pre-installed SSL

We issue and install a free Let’s Encrypt SSL for your online shop to make your clients’ transactions secure and your site trustworthy.

Managed Updates

We update your WordPress & WooCommerce automatically to make sure your site runs on the latest application version and is safe against exploits.

Daily Backups

We back up each account daily and keep up to 30 copies. This allows you to resolve most of the site issues with a 1-click restore and avoid downtime.

AI anti-bot system

Our unique AI anti-bot system, trained with the knowledge accumulated by our experts over the years, effectively blocks millions of security threats every day.

Safe staging tool

Our GrowBig and GoGeek plans include a staging tool to allow you to develop your store safely by testing any changes on a staging copy, before uploading them live.

Custom WAF

Our security team constantly updates our Web Application Firewall with custom in-house written rules to keep your store safe from various site attacks.

Expert Hosting Support Our Customers Love

Our Customer Care team is among the highest-rated support squads online, fast, multi-skilled and helpful.

Available 24/7

Round-the-clock help center

Proficient & Friendly

Always eager to help

Extremely Fast

Quick pickup & resolution


Customer satisfaction

Trusted by Clients and Industry Experts Alike

We are hosting 2,000,000 domains while making website owners less stressed, more productive, and hopefully just a little happier. We’re honored and humbled by the great feedback we receive from our customers on a daily basis. We’re proud to have kept our customer satisfaction rate at 98% and even increasing it every year for the past five years.

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Ready to get started?

Choose the hosting provider that helps you start easy, build fast, and grow strong! It’s risk-free with our 30-days money back guarantee.

Our staging feature is available for WordPress websites. It allows you to create a copy of your live site on a separate, staging environment with a single click. You can test any new code and designs on the staging copy, prior to pushing those changes to the production site. Pushing from staging to live takes only one click and automatically creates a backup of your live site, in case you need to reverse the changes.

You can add collaborators to your site who get their own SiteGround Accounts and individual login to the Site Tools of your site and can build or maintain it for you. They can also contact support for your site from their Account.

You can register your clients as users in your Account and give them white-label access to the Site Tools of the sites you build for them. When your client logs in the Site Tools of their website, they won't see SiteGround logo or name anywhere so you can provide white-label hosting service.

The GoGeek plan allows you to use more server resources than any other of our shared hosting plans. This includes more simultaneous connections and processes, more CPU seconds, higher process execution time, and more.

Our unique PHP implementation makes your pages load faster, cutting the TTFB (time to first byte) and allowing the server to process more of your visits faster.

Issues initiated on chat or ticket by our GoGeek users are assigned with priority to our most experienced support agents available. This ensures an exceptional quality and speed of the technical support provided.

We offer a free domain registration for the first year upon sign-up.

Our main data center partner - Google Cloud - matches 100% the energy consumed by their global operations with renewable energy and maintains a commitment to carbon neutrality.

Have a peace of mind with any changes you make to your website by creating an instant backup and be able to restore from it if something goes wrong. You can create up to 5 on-demand backups at a time with our GrowBig and GoGeek package or purchase single backups with StartUp.

Have a peace of mind with our daily backup service and the option to create instant backups before uploading changes to your site. You can create and keep up to 5 on-demand backups at a time with our GrowBig, GoGeek and Cloud packages. Restores from backup are easy and free.

Our staging tool allows you to create a copy of your site and work on the copy before pushing live any changes to your site. For GoGeek clients we also offer integration with Git so you can create repositories of your website, which you can later access, download and edit on multiple local branches using Git. We have also developed a unique interface that allows you to create repos of the most popular applications (WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, and PrestaShop).

For clients migrating WordPress sites, we have made it easy to do it yourself. All you need to do is install our WordPress Migrator plugin and generate a token that initiates the migration from your SiteGround hosting account. Afterwards all is simple and you can migrate as many installations as you like hassle-free.

Keeping your WordPress application up-to-date with the latest version is an important step in maintaining a secure site. If you find the update process difficult or simply forget to keep track of the new releases, our automatic WordPress software and plugin updates are for you. You can also schedule how fast your site is updated after a new version is released or even skip a version if you need more time to prepare for the update.

All hosting plans include free Let’s Encrypt Standard and Wildcard SSL certificates. For your convenience, the Standard SSL comes preinstalled on your site.

We automatically save daily backups and keep 30 copies on your account. A full backup restore is the fastest way to restore your site and limit the effects of website downtime on your site traffic. The restores are free on all of our shared hosting plans.

We've partnered with Cloudflare to provide a free Content Delivery Network (CDN) service to our customers. The CDN tremendously speeds up your load time for visitors from different geographical locations. In order to speed up the delivery of a page, it caches its content, auto-minifies images, exploits RailGun to speed up uncacheable dynamic content, blocks malicious traffic and even reduces SPAM. The CDN network has 152 locations and is growing so your page will be loaded from the one closest to your visitor!

Create professional email addresses with your website domain at no extra cost. You can create as many accounts as you need, access them using a friendly webmail interface, create forwarders and autoresponders, and more.

You can try our services with a peace of mind that if something goes wrong, you can get a full refund of your hosting fees (excluding new domain registration fees) within 30 days from signup.

All our plans include WordPress installation, the easy and fast WP Starter site-building wizard, managed auto-updates of the core software and plugins, expert WordPress support, and more.

On our Cloud plans you can customize the user access to the site’s Site Tools. Depending on the management rights you want to assign to them, you can allow them to see as many of the tools as you wish - FTP, MySQL, SSH, email, etc.

In our Cloud plans you can create custom hosting packages for each site you create, specifying the space, traffic, number of databases, and other resources available.

All sites hosted on our servers can take advantage of our unique SuperCacher technology. NGINX-based static and dynamic cache are enabled by default out of the box. Memcached option is also available.

WooCommerce Pre-installed

We save you all the technicalities when launching your online store by installing the easy and flexible WordPress CMS with the most popular and easy shopping cart plugin - WooCommerce. On top, we also pre-install the popular and flexible Storefront theme so you can have your ecommerce work station fully ready for you to upload your products and set your business up online.

Sell Any Product or Service

WooCommerce is an extremely powerful software that allows you to sell almost any kind of product - from simple physical products to members-only digital content. It allows you to create product variations based on color, duration, subscription options, bundles, etc.

Accept Payments out-of-the-box

WooCommerce allows you to accept bank transfers (BACS), checks, PayPal and cash on delivery. Furthermore, it can integrate with 140 region-specific gateways including Stripe, Apple Pay and more. Once you get your merchant account ready, it’s a matter of a simple plugin installation to get you going.

Configurable shipping options

With WooCommerce you can set flat shipping fees to your orders, customizing them per shipping zone or type of product. Thanks to additional plugins you can further enhance your shipping functionality by calculating shipping costs per travel distance, letting your users choose delivery time, adding tracking to your orders, printing labels to your orders and more.

Easily Manage Orders

The WooCommerce dashboard conveniently lists all your orders, regardless how many they are, and let’s you easily initiate fulfillments. It also displays reports about orders, in-stock goods, revenue, products, coupons and more, which allows you to track the performance of your shop in details.

Extend Your store Functionalities

There are tons of extensions developed for WooCommerce which allow you to enhance your shop’s functionality and user experience with a simple installation of a plugin. From store enhancements to marketing integrations, multichannel and point of sale, you can extend your store as your needs and budget grow.

Free cdn service

We’ve partnered with Cloudflare to provide a free Content Delivery Network (CDN) service to our customers. The CDN tremendously speeds up your load time for visitors from different geographical locations. In order to speed up the delivery of a page, it caches its content, auto-minifies images, exploits RailGun to speed up uncacheable dynamic content, blocks malicious traffic and even reduces SPAM. The CDN network has 152 locations and growing so your page will be loaded from the one closest to your visitor!

Smart Caching & Performance Enhancements

When hosting on SiteGround platform, you can add our SG Optimizer plugin, designed to provide top performance for WordPress sites and fine-tuned to support WooCommerce.

Unique Caching Options

By default, we enable NGINX Direct Delivery for all sites on our servers, which means that certain items, like your images, will load faster and will be directly served by NGINX. However, the biggest impact on the WordPress loading speed is achieved by using the higher levels of our SuperCacher service. This connects your site with our NGINX-based dynamic cache and Memcached service available on all hosting plans. For online stores specifically, where dynamic caching may be a problem for shopping cart behavior, we cleverly monitor whether users have items in their cart and exclude them from caching.

Application Optimizations

Automatic image optimizations, lazy image loading, GZIP compression, CSS & HTML minifications and more are also included in our SG Optimizer plugin. A special option to lazy-load WooCommerce products is available for faster loading of your product pages.

Optimal PHP and HTTPS Setup

You can easily set the optimal PHP version for your WordPress through our plugin and start using our recommended HTTPS settings with a click. Both these options will increase website loading speeds.

Powerful Speed Technology

Our servers are located in some of the best data centers in the world and run on the latest SSD disks. Our hardware is updated regularly. We provide multiple software speed enhancements like HTTP/2, Memcached, additional PHP optimization through the OPCache extension, and more.

Free let’s encrypt ssl

Having an SSL is more than just a best practice for websites, it’s an industry standard. SSL certificates protect the data transmitted through your site and make sure you meet the requirements of search engines that flag unsecured sites. That is why we believe any client of ours should have an SSL installed on their website. To help you do that, we partnered and financially supported since its founding the Let’s Encrypt project, which offers free SSL for anyone. We developed an in-house integration with Let’s Encrypt that allows us to automatically issue and renew their certificates for a hassle-free user experience. All new sites hosted on our platform get the free Standard SSL enabled. Clients may switch to a free Wildcard SSL at any time from their Site Tools. Read more.

Automatic WordPress & WooCommerce Updates

Keeping your WooCommerce application up-to-date with the latest version is an important step in maintaining a secure site. If you find the update process difficult or simply forget to keep track of the new releases, our automatic WordPress software and plugin (WooCommerce and all other plugins included) updates are for you. You can also schedule how soon your site is updated after a new version is released or even skip a version if you need more time to prepare for the update.

Daily Backup of Your Site

Free automated daily backups

Sleep easy knowing your site is fully backed up and protected from data loss, hacking, or human error. We automatically save daily backups and keep 30 copies on your account.

Easy backup restores

If something breaks your site, usually the fastest way to bring it back online is to do a full backup restore. We provide an easy restore tool to roll back to a previous copy of your site with a click. Thus you can do a free restore of your site, whenever this is needed.

On-demand backups

GrowBig and GoGeek users can have up to 5 free on-demand backups created and stored on their account. For StartUp accounts the on-demand backup costs $29.95 .

One-click Staging Tool

Many of our customers maintain dynamic sites that require updates and changes as their businesses grow. However, big changes can be risky and it's a good practice to test any major change in a safe environment that won't affect your live site. We've developed a tool that creates a copy of your site, allows you to work on the testing site, and then push the changes to your live site with confidence, in one click! Just to be on the safe side, we also perform automatic backups each time you upload a staging version to production. The tool is available on our GrowBig and GoGeek plans.

AI Anti-Bot System

We also develop unique solutions like our AI anti-bot system that effectively blocks millions of security threats every day.

Custom WAF

We manage the overall security of your application at a server and firewall level by keeping track of WordPress & WooCommerce-related vulnerabilities and patching against exploits. We add dozens of rules each year and we are able to protect your sites even before the software releases an official security update.