
Jobs and pipes

I just watched one of Gary Bernhardt’s excellent screencasts, Tar, Fork and the Tar Pipe. It’s a succinct and powerful overview of key Unix concepts and I highly recommend watching it. If you’re new to Unix, it can be an eye-opening, refreshing look at computing. If you’re seasoned, Bernhardt’s fine execution is still a delight to watch.

While on that topic, I thought I could share some toy code that I’ve had lying around since last year. I will take the time to explain the process, hoping that in the end the result will, it too, seem refreshingly simple.

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Superposition & Indetermination

Or: The List Monad

Last year, I introduced monads under a more “intuitive” light—focus was placed on the semantics of monads rather than formal definitions, turning to the Maybe monad as a first contact. The following assumes the reading of said article.

Continue reading “Superposition & Indetermination”

Make the Web

I recently stumbled upon The Lost Art of the Makefile. It was a timely find, in that I too had been circling back to make and the article expresses some of my opinions. It’s a tool that is not only still relevant, but, I argue, more enjoyable and apt for many scenarios than the modern tools that get chosen by default or vice. Continue reading “Make the Web”