Hard Truths

If you’re white or rich, it’s easy to believe that racism is something that ended years ago. But the hard truth is: That’s not supported by facts. Our society, institutions and culture are still filled with barriers that shut out people because of the color of their skin, the origins of where they were born and other factors they can’t control. Axios Hard Truths is a year-long project to go deeper and explain how race and inequality holds us back.
VotingEducationHousingPolitics and influenceSportsHealth care
Criminal justice
Business ownership and leadership
Higher education

Health care

Health care
We’ve made strides in getting more Americans the health care they need. But our system delivers far better results for white patients than for people of color.
Race and Health Care in America

Read the Deep Dive

A conversation on systemic racism in health care

Sign up for the event

The Hard Truth of Latinos’ access to health insurance

Listen to the podcast

How YouTube is tackling COVID-19 misinformation

YouTube has partnered with public health authorities to inform its policies and raise critical
medical information.

Key number: To date, YouTube has removed 900K+ videos for violating its COVID-19 misinformation policies.

Learn more.


We think of sports as the great equalizer. But from youth sports to the professional world, glaring inequities, often along racial lines, mirror our society.
The Hard Truth of Sports

Read the Deep Dive

A conversation on systemic racism in sports

Watch the event

Hard Truths: The Iroquois' fight for the Olympics

Listen to the podcast

How YouTube is tackling COVID-19 misinformation

YouTube has partnered with public health authorities to inform its policies and raise critical
medical information.

Key number: To date, YouTube has removed 900K+ videos for violating its COVID-19 misinformation policies.

Learn more.

Politics and influence

Politics and influence
America is more racially and ethnically diverse. But structural barriers keep people of color from gaining the political power that reflects their numbers.
Politics and influence in America

Read the Deep Dive

A conversation on the Hard Truth of Political Power and Influence

Watch the event

The Hard Truth of Power in Congress

Listen to the podcast

How YouTube is tackling COVID-19 misinformation

YouTube has partnered with public health authorities to inform its policies and raise critical
medical information.

Key number: To date, YouTube has removed 900K+ videos for violating its COVID-19 misinformation policies.

Learn more.


Homeownership is key to personal wealth. But segregation promoted by government, banks and the real estate industry persists today in access to homeownership.
Race and Housing in America

Read the Deep Dive

A conversation on America's housing inequities

Watch the event

The Hard Truth of housing

Listen to the podcast

How YouTube is tackling COVID-19 misinformation

YouTube has partnered with public health authorities to inform its policies and raise critical
medical information.

Key number: To date, YouTube has removed 900K+ videos for violating its COVID-19 misinformation policies.

Learn more.


Education is viewed as America’s great equalizer. But our segregated past supports barriers to quality education today.
Education in America

Read the Deep Dive

A conversation on America's education inequities

Watch the event

The Hard Truth about school police

Listen to the podcast

How YouTube is tackling COVID-19 misinformation

YouTube has partnered with public health authorities to inform its policies and raise critical
medical information.

Key number: To date, YouTube has removed 900K+ videos for violating its COVID-19 misinformation policies.

Learn more.


Americans believe that all citizens have equal access to our fundamental democratic right: voting. But the fact is racial politics still suppress votes.
Race and voting in America

Read the Deep Dive

A conversation on America's voting barriers

Watch the event

The hard truth of voter suppression

Listen to the podcast

How YouTube is tackling COVID-19 misinformation

YouTube has partnered with public health authorities to inform its policies and raise critical
medical information.

Key number: To date, YouTube has removed 900K+ videos for violating its COVID-19 misinformation policies.

Learn more.


Next up

We’ll be exploring the topic of criminal justice for our next Hard Truths Deep Dive. To keep informed,
Axios thanks our partners for supporting our Deep Dives. Sponsorship has no influence on editorial content.
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