Affordable Care Act

The big picture

The Supreme Court could be Trump's ACA nightmare

The lawsuit could come to a head just before Election Day.

Mar 3, 2020 - Health
The ACA is doing fine without a mandate penalty

The success undercuts a lawsuit against the ACA.

Jan 14, 2020 - Health
The political risk of overturning the ACA

Swing states and red states would stand to lose the most.

Dec 20, 2019 - Health
Trump's all-or-nothing ACA gamble

We've seen this movie before — in 2012, at the Supreme Court.

Mar 27, 2019 - Health

All Affordable Care Act stories

Caitlin Owens, author of Vitals
Apr 13, 2021 - Health

Democrats, led by Biden, are aiming big on health care

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios

Democrats are exploring adding a huge array of health policies to upcoming spending legislation, ranging from further enhancing Affordable Care Act subsidies to allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices.

Why it matters: The next few months may give Democrats the opportunity to walk the walk after campaigning extensively on health care for years, and to plug some of the glaring holes in the system that were exposed by the pandemic.

Mar 23, 2021 - Health

Biden extends enrollment period for Affordable Care Act until August 15

President Biden speaks at the White House. Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

The special enrollment period for Americans to sign up for Affordable Care Act health plans will continue through Aug. 15, the Biden administration announced Tuesday.

The big picture: The administration already extended the enrollment period earlier this year after millions of people lost their health insurance coverage during the pandemic.

Mar 12, 2021 - Axios Denver

How Denverites found joy during the pandemic

Illustration: Brendan Lynch/Axios

The pandemic year came with anxiety, fear, isolation, sadness and frustration. But we are close to making it to the other side.

  • In the second installment of our COVID reflections project, we wanted to know how you survived — what brought you light and joy during a dark and difficult year.

What we learned: Your answers were filled with love, resilience and ingenuity.

Study: Only the biggest ACA subsidies improved financial health

Illustration: Lazaro Gamio/Axios

Only the biggest subsidies through the Affordable Care Act improved families' overall financial well-being, according to a study published Monday in Health Affairs.

The big picture: Low-income families eligible for both premium subsidies and cost-sharing subsidies spent 17% less on out-of-pocket health care costs than unsubsidized enrollees. But the financial burden of health care costs didn't alleviate at all for middle-income families eligible only for premium subsdies.

CMS will give community groups $2.3 million to bolster ACA sign-ups

President Biden speaks before signing executive orders on health care in January. Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

The Biden administration will provide about $2.3 million to help bolster Affordable Care Act sign-ups in underserved communities, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said Monday.

Why it matters: This funding for ACA "navigators" who provide in-person enrollment assistance will help uninsured Americans take advantage of the special enrollment window that opens later this month.

United CEO is confident people will feel safe traveling again by 2022

Axios' Joann Muller and United CEO Scott Kirby. Photo: Axios

United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby believes that people will feel safe traveling again by this time next year, depending on the pace of vaccinations and the government's ongoing response to the pandemic, he said at an Axios virtual event.

Why it matters: Misery for global aviation is likely to continue and hold back a broader economic recovery if nothing changes, especially with new restrictions on international border crossings. U.S. airlines carried about 60% fewer passengers in 2020 compared with 2019.

Caitlin Owens, author of Vitals
Feb 10, 2021 - Health

Democrats eye big ACA changes in COVID relief bill

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios

Democrats' coronavirus relief proposal includes major changes to the Affordable Care Act, aiming to make health insurance more affordable for the millions of people who have lost their employer-based coverage during the pandemic.

The big picture: These changes would check off a whole lot of moderate Democrats' heath care agenda, at least temporarily. They include some of the biggest changes that President Biden campaigned on.

Caitlin Owens, author of Vitals
Jan 28, 2021 - Health

Who benefits from Biden's move to reopen ACA enrollment

Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Nearly 15 million Americans who are currently uninsured are eligible for coverage on the Affordable Care Act marketplaces, and more than half of them would qualify for subsidies, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation brief.

Why it matters: President Biden is expected to announce today that he'll be reopening the marketplaces for a special enrollment period from Feb. 15 to May 15, but getting a significant number of people to sign up for coverage will likely require targeted outreach.

Nov 10, 2020 - Health

Supreme Court appears likely to save most of the Affordable Care Act

Photo: Al Drago/Getty Images

Most of the Affordable Care Act appeared likely to survive Tuesday as the Supreme Court heard oral arguments over the law’s individual mandate.

The big picture: Two members of the court’s conservative majority — Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh — suggested they’re unlikely to throw out the entire health care law, as Republican attorneys general and the Trump administration have urged. Their votes would be enough to save it.

Nov 9, 2020 - Health

The 3 questions that will determine the ACA's fate

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Tuesday over the future of the Affordable Care Act — the third time in eight years the ACA has been on the brink of life or death at the high court.

The big picture: For now, the smart money says that the court is likely to strike down what remains of the law’s individual mandate, but is unlikely to go along with the argument — advanced by both red states and the Trump administration — that the whole law has to fall along with it.

More Affordable Care Act stories