
The big picture

New survey shows companies are open to moving to cheaper locales

Remote work — accelerated by the pandemic — has made it easier for companies to seek out less expensive regions

Jan 19, 2021 - Economy & Business
How the pandemic will reshape the job market

Some lost jobs will never come back.

Jun 23, 2020 - Economy & Business
Coronavirus could upend traditional workweeks

And working parents could hugely benefit.

Jun 16, 2020 - Economy & Business
What offices might look like as America returns to work

Say goodbye to snack jars and office gyms.

Jun 16, 2020 - Economy & Business
A reckoning for small business

Millions of businesses might not survive — and many of the tens of millions of jobs they support could evaporate.

May 23, 2020 - Economy & Business
The aging future of work

The tightening labor market is opening up new opportunities for American workers over age 50.

Feb 12, 2020 - Economy & Business

All Jobs stories

Apr 19, 2021 - Technology

States court tech money even as they bash companies

Illustration: Annelise Capossela/Axios

Some of the country's fastest-growing states are publicly attacking the tech industry's business practices on one hand while courting its investment on the other.

Why it matters: Attracting technology companies is a holy grail for economic development because they bring high-paying jobs and prestige to aspiring tech hubs. But that project is now colliding with some state leaders' efforts to rein in tech companies' growing power.

New report shows lack of diversity at regional Fed banks

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios

The Federal Reserve's "overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly male" problem goes beyond its top ranks to the boards that run its 12 regional banks, according to a new report by the Brookings Institution.

Why it matters: There's long been a lack of diversity among those that help pick the policymakers that make crucial decisions about economic policy that's only recently started to improve.

Dead malls get new life

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios

Malls are becoming ghosts of retail past. But the left-behind real estate is being reimagined for a post-pandemic world.

Why it matters: As many as 17% of malls in the U.S. "may no longer be viable as shopping centers and need to be redeveloped into other uses," per Barclays.

Dion Rabouin, author of Markets
Apr 12, 2021 - Economy & Business

The mismatched economy

Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios

As job growth finally starts to take off thanks to improving vaccine numbers and increasing optimism, the economy is confronting an unusual quandary: a mismatch of expectations between workers and employers that's becoming a standoff.

Why it matters: The jobs growth bonanza economists and asset managers are predicting for 2021 and beyond could be inhibited by a market where American workers — particularly those at lower income levels — demand higher wages and employers refuse to pay them.

Top U.S. cities with the strongest job markets

Tesla factory under construction in Austin in October. Photo: Bronte Wittpenn/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Cities far from the coasts have emerged as havens to job seekers and businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, according to an estimate from the Wall Street Journal.

How it works: To determine the strongest job market in the U.S., The Journal rated 53 regions with more than 1 million residents on factors that included unemployment rate, wages and change in payroll and size of workforce.

Dion Rabouin, author of Markets
Apr 9, 2021 - Economy & Business

Jobless claims rise, bucking employment rebound story

Data: U.S. Department of Labor; Chart: Will Chase/Axios

U.S. initial jobless claims remained below 1 million for the third straight week, but after a notable drawdown during the week of March 20, claims increased for the second straight week.

The intrigue: March's blowout nonfarm payrolls report showing 916,000 jobs added should have signaled a positive trend for employment gains, however, the jobless claims report suggests layoffs continue. That could hamper the recovery.

Half of small businesses unlikely to hire back workers they let go

Data: Facebook Global State of Small Business Report; Chart: Axios Visuals

Nearly a third of small- and medium-sized businesses have had to lay off workers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and half say they don't plan to rehire employees in the next six months, per Facebook's Global State of Small Business Report out Friday.

Why it matters: Small businesses have been pummeled in the past year, and small businesses owned by people of color faced higher closure rates, lower sales and bigger staff reductions.

Ben Geman, author of Generate
Apr 7, 2021 - Energy & Environment

Report: Energy jobs pay far above the national average

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Data: Energy Futures Initiative et al. report; Chart: Sara Wise/Axios

New data shows both the promise and peril of the White House push to speed deployment of renewables while also accelerating the transition away from fossil fuels.

Driving the news: A report on energy industry wages across sectors shows that they're far above the national median and more likely to provide healthcare and retirement benefits than the national average.

Dimon calls on companies to be policymakers

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon. (Photo: Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is calling on companies to play a bigger role in the world’s problems, saying today in his annual shareholders letter that the business sector should be a “responsible community citizen."

Why it matters: Corporations are increasingly facing more pressure to take a stand on politically divisive issues.

Dion Rabouin, author of Markets
Apr 6, 2021 - Economy & Business

Service sector sentiment survey surges to record high

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Data: FactSet; Chart: Danielle Alberti/Axios

The March reading of the ISM services index reached the highest level on record last month (with data going back to 1997), far outpacing economists' forecasts. At 63.7, it jumped more than eight points from the month before.

The big picture: Readings from business owners in the U.S. services sector now have joined the manufacturing sector in ebullience about the future, as stimulus checks hit bank accounts, vaccination rates rise and job growth returns.

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