Resources, thoughts and feelings from lockdown

It’s been a while since ustwo became fully remote. Like many companies around the world, we’re rapidly adapting, learning and finding our stride in this new situation. We’ve curated this page, in the hopes that our findings can prove useful to you, too.


Using MURAL for remote collaboration

Mural is an amazing tool for remote collaboration. We're finding it more useful than ever, and have put together a canvas on how we're using it at ustwo.

Lucy Barrett
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Remote User Testing Tools

We're doing a lot of our user testing remotely recently, and have had to do a lot of adapting to make it work. Here is a list of the tools that we've been trying out to help us with this. Hopefully it can prove useful for you, too!

Iva Johan
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Our remote working guide

We've created a remote working guide for our teams across the whole of ustwo. In it we've put tips, resources and information that we hope you'll find useful, as well!

Paolo Rizzi
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Unleashing the remote collective genius

We've stepped into a situation that puts our thoughts about teamwork, collaboration and prototyping into question. Our Nordic studio has had time to reflect on isolation, and we’re ready to share the lessons we’ve learnt from dealing with the unexpected.

ustwo Academy
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The Truth About Agile and Remote Working

“You need an environment where people feel it’s safe to take risks” — Our Delivery Director gave a seminar on Agile and remote working recently. Check it out!

Collin Lyons

How to — with Co-op

Together with Co-op, we've built a platform full of advice and ideas to help you start or be part of an event, activity or group, all to provide support for people through Coronavirus.

Claudia Ehmke
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Podcasts to get you through quarantine

If you're looking for some aural inspiration to get you though lockdown, We asked our resident podcast expert what she's listening to at the moment, and she gave us some corkers! We made a thread of some of her recommendations for you.

Edīte Garjāne
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Listen together, feel together

We've seen loads of amazing playlists for remote teams recently. Try making your own for your team so you can get on the same level. Here's one from ustwo New York.

Shlearn together

Remote or not, getting systems of learning right is no easy feat. We’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently about how to get ustwobies shlearning (sharing + learning), especially while we’re all at home. See the Twitter thread for more.

Hands in the air

On remote calls, interrupting or talking over one another can be a lot more disruptive because of the split-second delay. We've started to use hand signals to indicate a desire to speak


Working from home with kids

It's tough juggling being at home with your family and your work. The parents among us have found this guide by CNBC helpful. If you’re in the same situation, check it out!

Quezia Soares
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Through The Keyhole

Knowing the place your colleagues are in is just as important in the literal sense as well as the figurative one. We've been sharing pictures of our home setup with everyone. Knowing what your colleagues will be staring at all day is important context for working with them, and helps build connectedness from afar.


The ‘30 day LEGO challenge’ & mental health

"In the midst of trying to keep our sanity during these unstable times, my sister kindly sent the family their own LEGO box so we could all take part in the 30 day LEGO challenge."

Leila Byron
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Seven tips to stay productive with teams

With the Coronavirus potentially disrupting businesses, our CEO Carsten outlines seven ways we have made remote collaboration work for us.


Bring the outside, inside :)

"Some inspiration for anyone out there who is planning to cut their own hair"

Try to find some flowers to brighten up your workspace

"Having your face looking back at you all day on calls is something else"

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