Denver Archivesযাচাইকৃত অ্যাকাউন্ট


The National Archives at Denver holds the historically significant records of Federal Government agencies and courts in MT, ND, SD, WY, CO, UT, and NM.

যোগদান করেছেন জুন ২০১৮


আপনি @Denver_Archives-কে ব্লক করেছেন

আপনি কি এই টুইটগুলি দেখতে চাওয়ার বিষয়ে নিশ্চিত? টুইটগুলি দেখা হলে @Denver_Archives অবরোধ মুক্ত হবে না।

  1. পিন করা টুইট
    ৩ জুন, ২০২০

    For the status of the National Archives at Denver during the COVID-19 Pandemic, please visit

  2. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ৩ ঘন্টা আগে

    working on in United States classroom, , , 1940? Photographer: (POG 030934)

  3. ৪ ঘন্টা আগে

    Maybe someday a copy of this gem will turn up in our RG 95: Records of the US Forest Service records. And I will then, have my favorite record in our collection decided...

  4. ১০ ঘন্টা আগে

    Is it still a if the graphics are on the bottom of the page? Regardless, from our Office of Price Administration holdings here's an cheers to this lovely couple enjoying their Blatz!

  5. ৫ এপ্রিল

    Quick read about the types of Bureau of Indian Affairs schools and what records what the National Archives hold on them, here on our ! Questions? Feel free to post them as well! (Albuquerque Indian School ca. 1885)

  6. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ৫ এপ্রিল

    The will release the records in April 2022! Read the full announcement from the Archivist, and get ready to find your family in 1950: #1950

  7. ৫ এপ্রিল

    "That guy runs every time they blast" - famous last words of Bill. This week marks the 88th anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps administrative establishment. CCC gems can be found in several of our record groups, this one in particular from our NPS holdings!

  8. ২ এপ্রিল

    From the 's collection, one last to the legend , for sporting a trucker cap while meeting a president! That's it for us - to quote Willie, "On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again..."

  9. ২ এপ্রিল

    Little known fact - Cody the Archivist and a brother once attended a taping of Captain 11! Alas, we didn't get to pick a key to try the treasure chest 🥺 - but since we hail from western MN, perhaps we can be considered honorary South Dakotans?

  10. পুনঃ টুইট করেছেন
    ২ এপ্রিল

    Employees of the have a full range of positions and hats! to nurses, overseers, and outing matrons!

  11. ২ এপ্রিল

    Even criminals get into the fun! This decidedly unhelpful police sketch drawing with both a hat AND sunglasses comes from our 1970's Utah USDC criminal case files.

  12. ২ এপ্রিল

    No question here who the captain is - Senator Moss has the hat! This June 1967 shot of Senators Moss and Kennedy comes from a series of photographs documenting a Lake Powell and Glen Canyon dam visit and are found in our BOR holdings.

  13. ২ এপ্রিল

    We definitely know about Salazar's penchant for cowboy hats - from our RG 48 holdings, here he's sporting one alongside Dolly at the !

  14. ২ এপ্রিল

    Can't let the pass by without at least one cowboy hat post! We can't decide which to buy from the Denver Dry Goods Company, as seen in this 1944 catalog found in our RG 188 holdings!

  15. ২ এপ্রিল

    Take it from a former sailor - you gotta wear the dixie cup at a jaunty angle for maximum coolness! Here we see Paul Kipp from WWII, in our Blackfeet Indian Agency holdings.

  16. ২ এপ্রিল

    "Hey boss, which bandmaster should we put on our letterhead to promote our instruments?" "All of them." Today's from the G.G. Conn Company is found in our Santa Fe Indian School holdings. And look at those hats!

  17. ২ এপ্রিল

    It's time! Let us open with a drawing from a circa 1930's National Park Service file on uniform items - the iconic ranger hat!

  18. ১ এপ্রিল

    Great seeing our RG 104; Records of the US Mint come alive!

  19. ১ এপ্রিল

    From reports sent to the NPS Southwest Regional Office and now found in our records, we have two shots of Ty Cobb visiting Carlsbad Caverns in 1935 and 1938! ⚾️

  20. ৩১ মার্চ

    Cody the Archivist arrives back after vacation. Sees all the emails. Turns right around, you know Sun Valley Idaho looks nice this time of year... From our NPS holdings, the cover of a map for the "North American Holiday Highway" - cue "Holiday Road!"

  21. ৩০ মার্চ

    Richard the Archivist is in the building for the first time since October! Word on the street is he's currently lost in the stacks.


লোড হতে বেশ কিছুক্ষণ সময় নিচ্ছে।

টুইটার তার ক্ষমতার বাইরে চলে গেছে বা কোনো সাময়িক সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হয়েছে আবার চেষ্টা করুন বা আরও তথ্যের জন্য টুইটারের স্থিতি দেখুন।

    আপনিও পছন্দ করতে পারেন
