Find a Lawyer and Affordable Legal Aid
Individual lawyers (also called attorneys) are experts in different areas of the law. Some attorneys specialize in a certain field of law, such as business, civil, criminal, or juvenile law. You will need to determine which type of attorney is right for your legal situation. Once you find an attorney, ask about their experience, areas of expertise, and questions such as, "How would you handle my case?" and "What do you charge for your services/what is your fee structure?"
Besides asking your friends and family for the name of a good lawyer or checking the phone book, you can find legal aid online.
Find Free and Low-Cost Legal Services
Legal Services Corporation (LSC) - Find legal aid for low-income individuals and families.
Pro Bono and Free Legal Help - Locate free or low-income legal help.
Free Legal Answers - If you have a low income and qualify for the program, you can submit civil law questions to the American Bar Association. Volunteer lawyers will provide answers for free. They won't discuss criminal proceedings. - Locate free legal aid programs in your community. Find information about your legal rights by topic, such as housing, divorce, child support, and debt collection.
Upsolve - Find free legal aid to file for bankruptcy. Keep in mind, Chapter 7 bankruptcy information stays on your credit report for 10 years. This can make it hard to get credit, buy a home, receive life insurance, or get a job. Learn more about bankruptcy, and other options for dealing with debt.
Get Help from Your State Consumer Protection Office
Contact your state consumer protection office for help resolving consumer issues. This office is often part of the state attorney general’s office. Depending on the state and office, they may:
Mediate complaints
Conduct investigations
Prosecute offenders of consumer laws
Advocate for consumer rights. Note: Your state consumer office cannot represent you in a case or against a company.
Find Legal Resources for Specific Groups and Situations
Immigration Legal Services - Search your state for free legal services providers. for individuals in immigration proceedings.
Military and Veterans
Stateside Legal - Find free legal help for military members, veterans, and their families.
Legal Help for Veterans - Find free legal clinics and other resources from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Armed Forces Legal Assistance - Find nearby military installations with legal assistance offices.
People with Disabilities
National Disability Rights Network - Locate legal advocacy service providers by state for people with disabilities.
Eldercare Locator - Enter your ZIP Code to find local offices on aging and legal services organizations.
Pension Rights Center - Get free legal help for problems with your pension, profit sharing, or retirement savings plans.
Employment Discrimination
- EEOC - Filing a Lawsuit - Learn how to find an employment lawyer and file a job discrimination lawsuit under the rules of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).