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Financial Assistance Within Designated Natural Disaster Areas

Following an event like an earthquake, flood, or tornado, the president may declare an area a natural disaster and allow individual assistance for those affected. Learn how you can qualify for disaster help with food, bills, unemployment, tax relief, and more.

D-SNAP Helps With Food Costs After a Declared Disaster

If the president authorizes individual disaster assistance for your area, you may qualify for D-SNAP

Disaster Relief Assistance

Following a disaster, you may be facing damages to your property. Find out about how to receive financial help in the form of loans and tax relief.

Disaster Unemployment Assistance

If you’ve lost your job as a direct result of a major disaster, you may be eligible for disaster unemployment assistance. If you own your own business, you may be eligible too. 

You’re not eligible if you qualify for regular unemployment insurance benefits.

Eligibility, Benefits, and Filing a Claim for Disaster Unemployment

Visit the Disaster Unemployment Assistance web page to:

  • See if you’re eligible for assistance

  • View the benefits you may receive

  • Get information on how to file a claim

The Department of Labor (DOL) provides income and job assistance after a disaster. This includes:

  • Keeping workers safe during cleanup and recovery efforts

  • Ensuring workers get paid properly

For more information, call 1-866-4-USA-DOL (1-866-487-2365).

Get Emergency Help with Utility Bills

If you can’t afford to heat or cool your home after a disaster, you may qualify for emergency help with energy bills. 

Mortgages for Homeowners Rebuilding After a Disaster

If you lost your home due to a major disaster, you may qualify for an insured mortgage. You can use the mortgage to rebuild your home or to buy another one. It must be a single family home and your main residence.

Tax Relief in Disaster Situations

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers special tax help to individuals and businesses hurt by a major disaster or emergency.

File a Complaint About Disaster Relief Assistance

Several U.S. government programs help people after a disaster or emergency. If you want to file a complaint about a specific program, contact the agency that manages it.

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Last Updated: September 9, 2020
