Short-Term and Long-Term Disability Insurance
If you can't work because you get sick or injured, disability insurance will pay part of your income. You may be able to get insurance through your employer. You can also buy your own policy.
Find information about health care coverage including Medicare and Medicaid. Also, learn about workplace disability insurance, compensation benefits for disabled veterans and Social Security benefits for people with disabilities.
If you can't work because you get sick or injured, disability insurance will pay part of your income. You may be able to get insurance through your employer. You can also buy your own policy.
If you have a disability, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income may help financially. To find out if you’re eligible for either program, use the Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool.
Find information about health insurance and resources for people with disabilities.
Veterans who have a service-related injury or illness may be entitled to VA disability compensation. It’s a tax-free monthly benefit.
Visit to learn:
Which conditions qualify you for benefits
How the claims process works
Where to file your claim
How to appeal a decision you disagree with. The process changed in February 2019.
Survivors of veterans may receive compensation benefits in certain situations.
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Last Updated: April 8, 2021