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True Films

Between the Folds


This may be the first documentary I’ve ever seen that I thought was too short. It’s about obsessive paper hackers who fold extreme origami. They make paper do things you would never believe. Sheets are folded into impossible shapes, in impossible ways. Some origami unfolds in almost lifelike gestures. The folders use computers, math, craft, art, and sheer will power to turn uncut paper into anything, even all things. I could watch them do this for hours. It’s magic. It’s deep. It will change your mind about paper. They know things ordinary mortals do not. This documentary will bewitch you, making you ask for more.






Between the Folds
Vanessa Gould
2008, 55 min.
$16, DVD

Official website

Read more about the film at Wikipedia

Rent from Netflix

Available from Amazon

Posted December 10, 2009 at 5:00 am | 0 comments
in category Design

  • Sally

    Indeed I was bewitched, and shortly after seeing it, became exec producer. Changed my life. Let’s change the way business is done in the world of independent filmmaking so more great work gets created and makes it into the world.

    This is a special movie. I’ve seen it 84 times (including once in Italian and once in Japanese). Granted, that’s a bit much, but I still learn something every time. And I still well up in several places that are too beautiful for words.

  • Sally

    The DVD is also available directly from the filmmaker (best for filmmakers to buy directly if possible) (same as the movie link above).

  • gmoke

    Saw it over a year ago at the RISD Museum with the director and some of the folders in attendance. Very, very well done. It was just shown on WGBH as part of their pledge break which means that it will be shown again and again, I hope.

    There should be an explosion of new folders judging from the crowd at a recent OrigaMIT meeting I visited.