Bootstrap-based simple theme
Recent WordPress theme contains a very large number of functions. It is easy to use,but theme files will become complex and difficult to customize. Also, when the many function that depends to the theme, there become to problems that you switch to another theme.
The Lightning, functional part is we have implemented in the multi-function integrated plug-in “VK All in One Expansion Unit“. Thereby, the theme file becomes simple, has become easy to customize.
Also, Lightning is by adopting a “Bootstrap”, you can use a many decorations that are provided by Bootstrap.
Custom post type support
It is also very friendly with custom post types and custom taxonomies. When you add a new one, the breadcrumbs will be adjusted and posts will look beautifully without editing or adding a template files.
Easy to use a lot of icon
The Lightning contains a popular icon fonts Font Awesome. You can use the several hundred icons in the text and headings.
Font Awesome icon list