Roman Alexander Wellington - Official Blog

"To continue learning, growing, and challenging your paradigms ... is to set your Soul free" - Roman Alexander Wellington

Why Storytelling is a Valuable Skill for Businesspeople and Entrepreneurs

By Roman Alexander Wellington | Jun 14, 2020

The art of storytelling should not be underestimated. It can help an individual turn boring information into an engaging tale, presenting said information in a way that people will actually retain. This is why it is such an important skill for businesspeople and entrepreneurs. These professions revolve around selling a message and what better way …

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4 Tips for Improving your Productivity While Working from Home

By Roman Alexander Wellington | Jun 7, 2020

Staying productive while working from home can be hard. While we are all attracted to the comfort and flexibility of working in our own home, it can actually be really challenging. There are so many distractions and it can be tough to set up boundaries between work and home life. If you are struggling to stay …

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