Johnna Hurt's three oldest children — Alyssa (left), Cameron (center) and Rainy — were all diagnosed with lead poisoning in 2005 and still suffer from the effects. (Photo by Nick Oxford)
Lead Paint RemovalPediatrics
The risk of lead exposure remains, particularly for families who remodel older homes.
toddler and baby playing
RSV is a common respiratory infection that can be very dangerous for infants and children.
little girl getting an allergy skin test on her back
Allergy & ImmunologyPediatrics
Skin and blood tests can determine triggers for your child's seasonal allergies so you can decide if allergy shots are the right option.
teenage girl with car keys sitting in a car
Your teen's health check is an important piece of his or her wellness.
pediatrician examining a baby
Learn about the physical checkup schedule for your baby's first year.