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Click Tracking

Results 1-20 of 28
RevShare - Powerful dereferer system
This script is an complex dereferer system with Revenue Share program integrated.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
PHP Click Counter Script by
This open source PHP script is a fully functioning click counter. It allows you to track the amount of clicks a banner ad, download link, or standard link receives. This is then output in the admin section provided as part of this product. We are distributing this open source PHP script completely FREE to users.
(76 ratings)
Indication is a PHP download counter. You can use it to track the number of times a link has been clicked or the number of times a file has been downloaded. Indication can also be used to hide affiliate links. The script uses a SQL database. It comes with an admin panel where you can view how many times a download has been accessed. You can also easily add, edit or remove downloads using the panel. Indication can also display the current count for a download on any web page.
(31 ratings)
Complete Website Stats Script
Hit counter is an easy to use website stats script. In includes website counter & page counter in addition to full website stats. It also records the pages accessed by users, browsers used, screen resolutions etc. This info helps you know what your users like and then change your site to make it more and more user friendly. It is completely independent script that runs independently on your server. Top Hit counter is not just a website counter or a page counter but is a full website stats script. FULL FREE online demo also available. FREE Installation and support.
(0 ratings)
Campaign Junky
Campaign Junky tracks your online advertising campaigns, determines why people buy and why others don't, and improves ROI. They say knowledge is power, right?
(33 ratings)
BlueSoft Link Shortener
Start your own URL shortener service like Its very easy to install, user friendly, Search engine friendly and easily manageable. The Link shortener is highly customizable with 100% open source code for flexibility and speed. Ready to go No Programming knowledge Required one click installation. Elegant front-end design which can easily be customized and redesigned.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Free Link Cloaker
Free Link Cloaker is a small php script you install on your website that stops those affiliate thieves dead, and tracks every click on every link you create.
(22 ratings)
Contador PHP
Contador PHP is a simple and efective way of getting a instant report of number of downloads per month, source pages with more clicks, and details such as: IP, day, time. At diference of other counters you get instant feed back to adjust your campain. To integrate it, first create a new database, update the configuration file and organize files for download in the same folder(recomended) , create a link of this tipe:;=front You can integrate cookies instead of the variable refe in the url.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Clickr - The link and download counter
This script provides an admin panel where you can overview stats about all links created – stats include total hits, unique visits (determined by IP address), visits in last day/week/month, top referrers and last 5 visits. Use as a download counter! You can output stats about your links using either PHP or Javascript (for HTML pages. This allows the script to also be used as a download counter or similar
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
php easy :: clicks counter scripts set
Count is a scripts set intended to count clicks for any local paths via referring to counter script that will redirect your visitors to a target location after updating the count for current location. You can use it in different ways, e.g. for counting file downloads on your site. This set contains 3 files: 1. count.db - empty data file 2. count.php - clicks counter script that writes data to count.db 3. stats.php - clicks stats displaying script
(9 ratings)
Simple referrer logger
A simple flat file PHP referrer logger. Simply stores URL referrals in a text file for simple and easy reading.
(12 ratings)
php Click Counter
Now with a smooth jQuery Accordion navigation, our php Click Counter can store and display clicks on any link throughout your website. In addition, you can also mask your links with the generated code. PHP Click Counter uses a flat-file system so access to a database or similar database is NOT a requirement. The administrative console will allow you to view your link statistics, remove and reset your added links, show and copy your generated Click Counter URL as well as the ability to download and restore your flat-file db files. This application also uses an animated, collapsible navigation system to attractively toggle between tasks. Take a look at the demo for more!
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Users online counter php. Online visitors script. Count online visitors
Users online script. Number of visitor viewing site/pages =>A visitor returning immediately to the site only counts once. =>Fast stats indexing method for optimum performances. =>Concurrent updates are managed with locks to make sure that stats are always 100% correct. =>Script is 100% customizable. =>Very easy to integrate! A single call to a function! =>Script core processing remains outside your template and is loaded via include. => Don't need any database, no login, nothing complex, just plug-it and enjoy!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
The Indoors Logger offers webmasters full real time logging and monitoring of their websites. Our powerful invisible web tracking system will monitor and record all your website visitors and let you see exactly what your users are doing on your website while they are surfing it. What can you use it for? 1. See exactly what your visitors are doing on your website. 2. Check who referred them (where did they came from). 3. Understand which pages on your website are most popular. 4. Keywords Analysis of your search engine referrers. 5. Get real-time detailed actions log. 6. Analyze Page Loads statistics and charts. 7.Use our Exclusive Real-time Session flow report. And much more... (see our Features pages for more info and screen shots).
(89 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Tells you about number of clicks, time of clicks, referer and visitor information. You can track your affiliate links by inserting the affiliate code directly in adminpanel. Create campaigns easily and allot the text links, banners and affiliate links for rotation. Display of stats based on day and links. Easily in/activate the campaings. Comes with a easy to navigate admin panel where you can add, delete, reset and edit present listings. Easy to install.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Click Tracker
The script will track how many people are clicking on the download links and on the links that open in a separate frame (popup window). You don't need to modify links, just place a few lines of JavaScript code in the head section of your webpages (if you use header and footer files to generate webpages dynamically, you only need to place the code once in the header file). The script will create daily statistics which is stored in MySQL database. You can select which links to track/not to track by domain name and extension. For example, if you want to check your affiliate program efficiency you can track only external links (with domain name different from yours), or you can track only download links (.zip, .rar, etc).
(142 ratings)
Here's a quick run down of everything AdTrackzPro can do for you... - Tells you how many people come to your website from each traffic source so you can know with certainty which ad campaigns actually work - Tracks sales, subscriptions, downloads, etc. from each of your traffic sources - don't just track visitors, track your conversions too - Tracks sales and actions on remote, affiliate websites (No other script can do this!) - Calculates cost per click, cost per sale, and cost per action for each one of your traffic sources so you can see if the return on your investment is worth it. - Analyzes and logs your click to sale and click to action conversion ratios! - Calculates your Return on investment. - Built-In Split Tester with exclusive statistics section! - Ability to shorten tracking URLS, and make them look like just another page on your web site (so people won't even know they're being tracked). - Protects your affiliate sales from commission theft and much more!
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 67.00
Stuffed Tracker - Web Traffic Monitoring & Analysis
Web traffic analysis software with one of the most powerful tracking engines on the market (cookies and IP-based tracking) and a unique reports constructor (produces 1000+ reports!) -- Two in one package: track general traffic on your sites and measure ROI and conversion rates at the same time! -- Identify main sources of quality traffic -- Track the performance and optimize all of your marketing campaigns, including pay per click (PPC), banners advertising, email and affiliate marketing -- Discover new advertising sites and search engine keywords that you can make use of to get more quality traffic and higher conversion rates -- Track sales, downloads, signups, loading of important pages and see where the visitors that performed these actions originally came from -- Among other features: reports caching, PHP tracking, click fraud detection, split-tests, detailed visitors paths, geo statistics and much more -- Free fully functional trial version is available for download.
(22 ratings)
Answers 2000 PHP Click/Counter Tracker
Powerful counting and tracking script. Create as many as trackers as you want. Silently track visits to websites. Record user IP address information. Measure conversion rates and do split tests on sales letters and squeeze pages. Maximize the effectiveness and conversionn rates of your marketing campaigns. Split-testing features are fully compatible with ClickBank and most other e-commerce systems.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
Ad Trackz Gold
AdTrackz Gold let you tag and compare the effectiveness of different traffic sources. AdTrackz Gold shows you how many people come to your website from each traffic source so you can know with certainty which ad campaigns actually work. Tracks sales and actions on remote, affiliate websites Tracks which keyword generates the sale in google adwords, overture, or any major ppc engine. Calculates your Return on investment, so you can quickly see which traffic sources are making money, and which are not. Automatically Shortens Your Tracking Urls. ...and much more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 77.00
Results 1-20 of 28