BP Dev-Chat summary: March 17, 2021

8.0.0 progress

  • @dcavins made interesting progress about the Network invites ticket (#8139). He asked for a review by @im4th about the patch he added on #8444 and still hopes to have it ready for 8.0.0. Some work still has to be done for the BP Nouveau template pack.
  • @im4th suggested we update the initial 8.0.0 schedule to give us 2 extra weeks as we’ve been pretty busy working on the 7.2.1 security release lately. The team agreed to this suggestion.
  • To help @vapvarun to carry on progressing about the Acceptance Checkbox Field (#4747) @im4th will start committing – asap – the parts he needs from the ticket about updating WordPress fields from the xProfile fields API (#7162).
  • @im4th thinks we should use the Acceptance Checkbox Field to manage the GDPR consent checkbox we’re including into the signup form since BuddyPress 4.0.0 and believes users would really enjoy all these new field types if we could fix #6347 (Let admins pick signup fields).
  • @espellcaste did a great job with starting the migration process from Travis to GitHub actions about BP REST API unit tests (#GH383).
  • @vapvarun posted a first patch about adding a new BP Email when a user has successfully validated their account (#8428).

Updated 8.0.0 schedule

  • 8.0.0-beta1: April 15
  • 8.0.0 stable release: May 19.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on March 31 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#8-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary