Horror Writers Association Blog

Posts byLydia Peever, Author at Horror Writers Association Blog [ 6 ]

Members New Releases – Archive

Here is the archived listing of Horror Writers Association members’ new releases. Check often for cover art and links to purchase or learn more about the latest in horror fiction and non-fiction ~ this page is updated after the scrolling marquee on the main page. You can view the wall of amazing cover art from 2018 and previous novels here and members submit upcoming releases with this form. Thanks!

Members New Releases – 2021

Here is the latest listing of Horror Writers Association members’ new releases.
Check often for cover art and links to purchase or learn more about the latest in horror fiction and non-fiction ~ this page is updated after the scrolling marquee on the main page.
You can view the wall of amazing cover art in the Archives and members, please submit upcoming releases with this form before the 15th of each month. Thanks!

Members New Releases 2017

Here is the latest listing of Horror Writers Association members new releases. Check often for cover art and links to purchase or learn more about the latest in horror fiction and non-fiction ~ this page is updated after the scrolling marquee on the main page. You can view the wall of amazing cover art from 2016 and previous novels here and members submit upcoming releases with this form. Thanks!


Members New Releases 2016

Here is the latest listing of Horror Writers Association members new releases. Check often for cover art and links to purchase or learn more about the latest in horror fiction and non-fiction ~ this page is updated after the scrolling marquee on the main page. You can view the wall of amazing cover art from 2015 and previous novels here and members submit upcoming releases with this form. Thanks!

Members New Releases 2018

Here is the latest listing of Horror Writers Association members new releases. Check often for cover art and links to purchase or learn more about the latest in horror fiction and non-fiction ~ this page is updated after the scrolling marquee on the main page. You can view the wall of amazing cover art from 2017 and previous novels here and members submit upcoming releases with this form. Thanks!

Members New Releases 2015

Here is the latest listing of Horror Writers Association members new releases. Check often for cover art and links to purchase or learn more about the latest in horror fiction and non-fiction ~ this page is updated after the scrolling marquee on the main page. You can view the wall of amazing cover art from the previous year here.


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