The Wayback Machine -

The World’s Most Popular Fasting App

Fast forward to better health.

Fast track your goals when you track your fasts with Zero—expert guidance, insights, and accountability to unlock a longer, healthier life.

Hours Fasted

3 Billion

The Basic Features

Four essential tools for the fasting life.

Tap the arrows to learn more >>>

Your Personal Fasting Coach

Custom Plans

Fast track your fasting goals with a personalized protocol and adaptive recommendations from our team of experts.

Premium Content

Cut through the noise with an exclusive, ever-growing library of videos, articles, audio segments, and Q&As from fasting experts like Dr. Peter Attia.

Enhanced Experience

Master your fasts with advanced statistics, custom fast presets, a responsive mood journal, and an all-new timer with fasting stages.

Learn more about Zero Plus

Why Fasting?

Fasting is a mindful approach to eating, and a powerful tool for living a healthier, longer life.

Whether you want to boost energy, improve body composition, accelerate cellular repair, or mitigate your risk for metabolic disease, a mounting body of scientific literature shows that fasting can help you reach your goals.

Learn more about fasting with Zero

What people say about us


It's easy and it motivates me to keep on track. Cutting out my evening snacks has been easy and I've reached my weight goal in a healthy way. Here's to the next 10lbs slipping away!

- Luiza B

Fuel your fasts

We create and curate expert resources so you have the fast facts at your fingertips.

Our ever-growing library stays current with the latest research to help you advance your awareness alongside your fasting practice.

Check out our blog

578,506 People Currently fasting

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