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Polls & Voting

Results 1-20 of 35
SimpleSurvey is an awesome little website survey and polling script. It runs fully automated, has admin capabilities for deleting old polls and adding new ones, graphical bar chart and percentage outputs, and has built in cheater protection from multiple votes.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
One script located in your cgi-bin, multiple quizes located all over your site! Personality tests, oppinion surveys, and more! With this script you can post multiple quizes and surveys on your site. Evaluate the answers; email results to anyone-- every quiz can be different! Whether it's a personality test, an oppinion survey, or a silly quiz this script can handle them all. Use multiple choice in your forms, or memo fields for longer responses; use text fields for a single answer; limit the size of the input for each question; make it required or optional, and lots more! This popular script is sure to attract many new visitors who are excited to participate with your interactive content!
(3 ratings)
BAC Survey
With BAC Survey you can set up a series of questions and then present them in multiple surveys to find out just what your site visitors and community members think. The program can be used to get detailed information/feedback from your audience, or simply for fun - either way it makes for a great addition to your community website. BAC Survey shares an integrated backend - account management, billing, advertising, templates and administration - with over 25 other pluggable software modules. You can add grow your site as your needs expand all using a single integrated suite. No more multiple logins and inconsistencies.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 299.00
eSurvey and Quiz script
Fully optioned survey script. Supports unlimited Surveys, preview mode, multi-page surveys, smooth pie and bar graphs, radio buttons, checkboxes, text fields, textareas, supplementary questions, instructions, file uploads, point scoring system, custom remarks, database exports, question and answer sorting, automated validation of required fields, and personalized Autoresponders (with file attachments) and Thank You pages with option to include Survey Snapshots. Available in English, German and French.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Advanced online poll and survey management solution on MySQL backend that allows you to create, manage, customize and publish unlimited polls and surveys on-the-fly via a web based admin control panel, each poll layout can be individually customized via a built-in HTML editor and can be instantly published on your website or activated at any time later. Offers various methods of integration on your website. Poll results can be viewed accumulated or individual, activate/deactivate according to your needs.
(27 ratings)
Price 49.00
No mess, no fuss, easy to use Voting script. Create as many polls as you like. Create a Poll in less than 60 seconds! Enter start and end dates. Choice of three statistical displays, add extra fileds, option to require unique votes, real time preview, option to display actual number of votes or just percentages, reset polls, delete polls. Place the scripts on your web site and run as many polls as you like.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.00
chumpsoft :: perlQuestionnaire
A comprehensive web-based survey builder with one-click install on any server using Perl 5 and MySQL. Run unlimited multi-page surveys with unlimited questions and answers. You have complete control over the layout using CSS and templates. Avoid duplicates using IP Addresses, Cookies or even Verified Email Addresses. View survey results online or download them in CSV or XML format for use in your favorite programs. Multi-language support allows you to run separate surveys in different languages.
(21 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
Simple RateIt
SplRateIt was created to be completely customizable. It comes with a password protected admin panel, 4 pre-made rating forms, a view ratings page (all of which can be edited), and the SplRateIt script. You can rate an entire web site or a single page, script, ad, or whatever you would like to rate. The rating is based on a numerical scale from 1 to any number. You will be able to display number of votes, percentage of votes, and comments. Comments will be filtered and any foul language will be commented ( **** ) out. SplRateIt works using JavaScript, and the admin panel features an auto install for simple installation.
(6 ratings)
PlayVote is a free polling program that will allow you to create polling questions for your visitors. PlayVote allows for an unlimited number of concurrent polls to be running, with the results of each poll tracked separately. Each poll can have a unique look and feel.
(3 ratings)
PicPoints allows you to run your own Pic rating service. Fully featured, it requires no inst2llation or CGI/Perl knowledge.
(0 ratings)
Oveas Web Poll (OWP)
Most survey scripts handle radio buttons only, but what if you want to allow your visitors to enter more choices? Or get free (numeric) input and calculate averages? That's where OWP comes in. It's fully configurable - including the language - and well documented. The new version comes with a (simple) logfile browser and many more options, like a configurable minimum and maximum value for Average inputs, averages are displayed in decimals and can be sorted, and even select lists (drop down and multi) are supported!
(10 ratings)
csPoller :: Add polls/surveys to website with ease!
Easily create, maintain, and conduct online polls and surveys on your site. You can create polls and surveys that expire on a specific date or have the run forever (until you stop it). You can post multiple polls and surveys to your site and have the polls change automatically on a specific date. The time span for each survey can be the same or varied. Adding the polls to your site is very simple. Try the FREE demo.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
IMDpoll is a polling script that is small, fast, powerful, and best of all, easy to use. It features: Support for infinitely many polls; Each poll can have unlimited options; Optional support for comments; Easy setup; Easy and powerful administrator panel; Extensive template system, Every bit of html customizable.
(3 ratings)
PicPoints allows you to run your own Pic rating service. This full featured program requires no installation or CGI/Perl knowledge.
(0 ratings)
@1 Voting Booth Generator
This is an online tool that allows you to generate voting or survey Perl CGI scripts for your Web site. Features: IP & cookie checking to prevent multiple polls, Sorting of results based on number of votes, and Optionally display bar graph. Requires registration to access the generator.
(21 ratings)
Condorcet with Dual Dropping
A preference or approval ballot vote tabulation and ranking system for deciding single or multi-winner contests (elections). Computes the Schwartz Sequential Dropping (SSD) and Tideman's Ranked Pair (RP) results for each contest round and selects the combined SSD and RP contest outcome with the lowest overall dropping cost. It has options to compute just the SSD or RP outcome, various optional tie-breakers, and alternative measures of dropping cost (winning votes and/or margin). Please visit sourceforge home page for documentation.
(3 ratings)
Online Poll Manager
Easily create, maintain and manage an unlimited number of interactive online polls on your website! Features include password protected browser based administration, start and end dates for created polls, auto archiving , double vote protection and real time graphic results. Online demo available on its homepage.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.99
Survey Manager
Survey Manager allows you to easily create, maintain and manage an unlimited number of interactive online surveys on your website. Features include password protected browser based administration, start and end dates for created polls, auto archiving , double vote protection and real time graphic results. Answer options can be radio buttons, a drop down menu, checkboxes or a write in answer. Online demo available on its homepage.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
Aborior's Simplex User Poll
An attractive user polling system to let your visitors show their colors. You can choose from three different column graph styles, or make your own. Plan ahead by setting poll start dates, customise templates and themes to tune the poll display, provide single and multiple choice polls, and manage it all through a slick admin interface.
(12 ratings)
RatingsHandler is a powerful application much like those seen at and The one big difference is that not only does it allow rating of images, but it also has the ability to rate text and multimedia files.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
Results 1-20 of 35