Christian Kastner

My academic background is in computer science (graduate of the Technical University of Vienna).

My professional background is in the financial sector. I have worked in banking for two decades, initially in risk management (implementing various parts ICAAP after Basel II came in effect), and, more recently, performing business analysis and project management for various regulatory reporting requirements, most notably AEOI/CRS.

I'm currently on a one-year sabbatical pursuing a graduate degree in data science, with a focus on machine learning and deep learning, again at TU Wien.

I have enjoyed contributing to Debian since 2010, and became a Project Member in 2015.


I can be reached at [email protected]. I generally use my Debian address, [email protected], for Debian-specific communication, but mail to both addresses land in the same inbox.

If you'd prefer to send me an encrypted email, download my PGP key.