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Plastics and microplastics in the Marine Demarcations of Spain

The IMEM will contribute to evaluating the state of the presence of plastics and microplastics in the Marine Demarcations of Spain.

Carlos Sanz, Researcher at IMEM, leads the SOCIPLAS project: Research and citizen science to improve the management of the presence of plastics in Marine Protected Areas, which has researchers from the Departments of Ecology and Analytical Chemistry of the University of Alicante, attached to the UA Bioplastic Lab research team, with the NGO European Environment, and with the support of the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

Within the framework of the SOCIPLAS project, campaigns will be carried out to collect and classify marine macro-litters from various beaches through citizen science actions. In addition, different beaches will be sampled to analyze the presence of microplastics and evaluate the impact generated by these particles.

Instructions reincorporation to the Research Institutes in Phase 1.

Instructions for the progressive return to activity within the Research Institutes of the University of Alicante. Forms 1 and 2 must be completed 48 hours in advance for those who intend to go to the Institute building, since the EPIS will be distributed according to said request.

The Institutes Building will have opening hours from 07:00 to 19:00.

* The distribution of PPE will take place like these last weeks, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., which will also be the concierge hours. People who come only in the afternoon must collect PPE before 2:00 p.m.

* For access outside these hours, the personal access card must be used.

* The presence of staff in the institutes must follow the written plan

For each institute and the number of people in each space, the IPRL-26 instruction must be respected.

* In the dining area, the use of the tables will only be individual.

* ALL people entering the building must pass the CARD through the

reader when entering and leaving, especially those who are going to stay in the building after 2:00 p.m.

* The building will be closed by the Security Service at

7:00 p.m.

* From 2:00 p.m. the door will remain closed and must be accessed

using the personal access card.

UA researcher Fernando T. Maestre, the only Spaniard named "Fellow 2020" of the Ecological Society of America

The distinguished researcher of the University of Alicante Fernando T. Maestre has just been chosen "Fellow 2020" of the Ecological Society of America The Ecological Society of America (ESA). The appointment as "Fellow" is a distinction for those members of this society who have made outstanding scientific contributions in the field of ecology and study of ecosystems, communication, education and pedagogy, and environmental management and policies.

La UA diseña una herramienta de modelización en abierto para comparar diferentes escenarios de propagación del COVID-19

Investigadores del Instituto Multidisciplinar para el Instituto Estudio del Medio "Ramón Margalef" (IMEM) de la Universidad de Alicante, en colaboración con epidemiólogos del Centro Nacional de Medicina Tropical del Instituto de Salud Carlos III de Madrid, han desarrollado la primera herramienta de modelización en abierto para comparar diferentes escenarios de propagación del Covid-19. Un paso más en esta carrera científica para comprender la rápida transmisión de esta enfermedad infecciosa y para generar escenarios y probar el efecto de diferentes medidas de control frente al coronavirus.

Estado de Alarma: Secretaría e instalaciones IMEM

Due to current events and following the indications of the Rector as well as the health authorities and official bodies that recommend avoiding trips that are not strictly necessary, we inform that, until further notice, there will be no administrative or technical personnel in the Secretariat / Laboratories of the IMEM.
However, you can contact us through the Institute's email ([email protected]) since we will carry out our work, as far as possible, virtually.
We will be attentive to the news that is communicated through the official channels of the UA to act accordingly.
Thank you.

Francis Mojica, Honorary Ambassador of the Spain Brand

The MIES Researcher, Francis Mojica, received on March 3, 2020, the accreditation as Honorary Ambassador of the Spain Brand (Science and Innovation) from the Kings. Congratulations!

Conference: Microbial fate on water and soils: perspectives from three decades of research

Dr. Yakov Pachepsky
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

2020 march, 2, 11:30 h.
Place: Sala Polivalente 1. Edificio Politécnica II.
University of Alicante

Fernando Maestre on the RTVE news

Climate change and desertification commented by Fernando Maestre, member of IMEM, in the study published in the journal Science.

Interview with Fernando Maestre on El País

Almost a quarter of the earth's surface is about to become desert by the end of the century. "These abrupt changes occur in many human, natural and physical processes. In our field they had been predicted by several mathematical models, but there was a need to confirm it," adds Maestre, member of the MIES and co-author of the study, published in the journal Science.

Fernando T. Maestre: " I don't like the catastrophic discourse on climate change"

Fernando T. Maestre, Professor of Ecology and member of IMEM, passes through Las Mañanas de Onda Ilicitana.

Interview with Fernando Maestre on El Mundo

Alicante, Murcia, Almeria and the Canary Islands face abrupt desertification. A Spanish investigation carried out at the MIES and the University of Alicante, published in the prestigious 'Science', warns that the drylands of the entire planet are exposed to a dramatic intensification of their dryness.

A leap forward in the design of our cities: nature-based solutions

Lecture by Xavier Mayor Farguell, Doctor in Biology, expert in Applied Ecology and Sustainability.

Wednesday, February 12, 7:00 p.m., Conference Room (Sede Universitaria Ciudad de Alicante).

Premi Ramon Margalef d'Ecologia

The deadline for submitting candidatures ends on May 15 2020.

How to survive in the winding world of the Academy ... in Spain

Author: José Manuel Torralba, Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid, Deputy Director of IMDEA Materials and former General Director of Universities and Research of the Community of Madrid (2015-2019).

Conference title: "How to survive in the winding world of the Academy ... in Spain".

Place: Alfredo Orts Degree Hall, Optics and Optometry Building, University of Alicante.

Day: January 28, 2020, 12:00 h.

The UA awards the Gold Medal to Francis Mojica

The University of Alicante awards the Gold Medal to MIES researcher Francis Mojica.

El efecto combinado del cambio climático e incendios forestales puede transformar los bosques en matorrales

A study developed by MIES researchers and the University of Utrecht, in collaboration with other Dutch and Spanish research centers, shows how the increase in aridity expected for the coming decades will make Mediterranean forests more vulnerable to fire forestry.


On December 5, World Soil Day is celebrated. It aims to raise awareness among politicians and civil society about the importance of soil health. This year under the slogan "Stop soil erosion, save our future", the role lies in the problem of soil loss, which can have important consequences for the planet's ecosystems and food security.

More information:

Without plastic, more Mediterranean

This Friday, November 8, the MIES researcher, Carlos Sanz, offers a talk at 6:00 pm at the Alicante Race Club about pollution by plastics at sea.

Francisco Cerdá y Rico Research Awards

The Department of Culture of the M.I. Castalla City Council announces four research awards, with the aim of promoting and promoting knowledge of Castalla and the territory of which it is a part.

For more information send an email to [email protected].

XII Jornadas Jóvenes Investigadores

The association of Young Researchers from Albacete organizes the XII conference aimed at undergraduate and master students, predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers, and hospital residents who want to present their research work in the areas of Biomedicine, neurosciences or clinical research. It is a fantastic opportunity to increase the visibility of our work, publicize projects and establish collaboration agreements between groups.

The conference will take place on November 6, 7 and 8 at the medical school of Albacete. They will have poster and oral presentation days, giving prizes for the best poster and the best talk in each category. In addition, the conference has a poster of high-level speakers this year, such as Luis Montoliu and Francisco Sánchez Madrid, among others.

The registration period is now open and there are travel bags to cover the accommodation for those registered, which will be granted in order of registration.

All the information is in:


IV University Institute of Water and Environment Contest of the University of Murcia (INUAMA) for the best TFM

IV University Institute of Water and Environment Contest of the University of Murcia (INUAMA) for the Best Master Thesis on environmental issues related to water, presented at a Spanish university during the 2018-2019 academic year.

Discovered virus that is part of the microbiome of the human intestine

Pepa Antón, Senior Lecturer of Microbiology and MIES researcher, collaborates in a research group that has discovered a virus that is part of the microbiome of the human intestine in more than 1/3 of the countries of the world.

Xylella fastidiosa: an unstoppable pest?

Conference on the phytopathogenic bacterium Xylella fastidiosa.

PLACE AND DATE: Day 4 of July 2019 in the Campus of the University of Alicante. Hall of Degrees of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters

I Beach Lifeguard Workshop: towards proactive management and risk reduction

On July 6, the MIES organizes in Dénia the "I Workshop of lifeguarding on beaches" (5 hours) directed mainly, although not exclusively, to first aid service managers, municipal technicians, councilors with beach responsibilities, lifeguards and health personnel.
Information and inscriptions in the email [email protected].

Summer course: SBN and green infrastructures in Mediterranean urban environments

The main objective of the course is to face the challenges of Mediterranean cities towards sustainability, providing a response through Nature-based Solutions. For this, possible innovative solutions such as green infrastructures will be addressed.

Course of 25 hours
From July 15 to 18
Sede Tecnológica de Málaga
Universidad Internacional de Andalucía

Año Margalef 2019

This year is the centenary of the birth of Ramon Margalef (1919-2004), one of the most important scientists of the 20th century. Learn more about his work at events and events.

The UA participates in a research that identifies the dominant fungi in the soils of the planet and their attributes

The study, published in Nature Communications, allows a better understanding of the environmental preferences and global distribution of the dominant fungi in the soils of the planet. In the study, carried out by an international team, participates the researcher of the Multidisciplinary Institute for the Environment Studies "Ramon Margalef" of the University of Alicante, Fernando T. Maestre.

Special "Investigación y Ciencia": The legacy of Ramon Margalef

On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Ramon Margalef (May 16, 1919), the magazine Investigación y Ciencia pays homage to him with a digital monograph.

Instructions to be healthier in the lab

Fernando Maestre, Distinguished Researcher in the Multidisciplinary Institute for the Environmental Studies 'Ramon Margalef' of the University of Alicante, publishes on how to create healthy research laboratories ("Ten simple rules towars healthier research labs"). 

Plant biodiversity is key to maintaining the fertility and productivity of arid ecosystems, concludes the study carried out by the UA, CSIC, URJC and INRA

Santiago Soliveres, member of MIES, together with scientists from the Rey Juan Carlos University, the National Institute of Agronomic Research in France (INRA) and theConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, has studied the many facets of the plant biodiversity of 123 arid and semi-arid ecosystems distributed throughout the planet. The results, which appear in an article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), show the importance of the rare species and their evolutionary history to maintain soil fertility and productivity. In arid areas around the world.

UN declares 2021-2030 decade of ecological restoration

Last Friday 1/03/2019 UN has declared the decade 2021-2030, as the decade of ecological restoration. The University of Alicante has developed theoretical and applied research of first line in this discipline for more than two decades and has master and phD programs oriented to the same one, so that we are particularly pleasant this news. In addition, UA will organize the next European Restoration Congress (SERE September 2020). Hopefully it will serve to enhance the restoration in Spain and the world, and thus protect biodiversity, improve the provision of ecosystem services and quality of life, and step, improve the quality of restoration projects and consolidate this professional sector.

Estrategia Española de Infraestructura Verde, Conectividad y Restauració

The ecological bases for the Spanish Strategy for Green Infrastructure, Connectivity and Restoration have just been published. It has involved researchers from the Department of Ecology and IMEM Ramon Margalef, professors of the Master's Degree in Management and Restoration of the Natural Environment of the University of Alicante.

Crowdfunding: Research of genes that cause rare diseases in brain tumors

Principal researcher: José Martín Nieto

Department of Physiology, Genetics and Microbiology and MIES Ramon Margalef
University of Alicante

Francis Mojica receives an Honoris Causa Degree at the Menéndez Pelayo International University

University of Alicante Professor and member of MIES, Francis Mojica, receives an Honoris Causa Degree at the Menéndez Pelayo International University.

Convocatoria Premios Investigación 2018 (TFG, TFM y Tesis) de la Cátedra AQUAE

Last 22nd of May we held the VII seminar of the Chair Aquae, which called the Research Awards chair Aquae 2018, which reward the best doctoral theses, TFMs and TFGs on economics of water.

The work must have been defended within three years prior to this call and must be related to water in its economic and social environment, which may have been addressed from any discipline. 

The prize is endowed with €3,000 for the winning doctoral thesis and €1,500 for the runner-up, and with €1,000 for the GFR and TFM winners of the first prize and €500 for the prize winners.

The deadline for submitting applications ends on July 15 in the case of doctoral theses and on 28 September for the GFR and TFM. 

For more information on the call, consult the bases and the registration form at:

If you have any questions or queries, contact us at:

[email protected]



Course which promotes the creation of green jobs and the reduction of the negative impact of traditional systems for the elimination of citrus crops.
Coordinated by the Low Carbon Economy Foundation, the course is part of the EmpleaCitric project, co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Biodiversity Foundation.
More information about the course:
Registration form:

Nomination Doctor honoris cause Nicholas José Talbot

Nicholas José Talbot is a Full Professor of Molecular Genetics in the University of Exeter (United Kingdom).

The investigation of the ProfesorTalbot centres in the vegetal illnesses. In concrete, he has contributed of significant form to our knowledge of the rice more important illness, called the "rice blast disease", caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae.

23rd European Nitrogen Cycle Meeting

MIES members coorganize the 23rd European Nitrogen Cycle Meeting; will be held at Hotel Alicante Golf in San Juan (Alicante), Spain from 19-21st September 2018.

This meeting will bring together an international group of researchers who share interests in Nitrogen cycle.

Francis Mojica receives the Prize Albany
Francis Mojica, a member of the MIES, receives the Albany award, the most prestigious medicine award in the United States.


Francisco Mojica, wins the prize Plus Alliance to the Innovation

The microbiologist of the University of Alicante, member of MIES Ramon Margalef, Francisco Mojica, has been awarded in London with the Plus Alliance Award for Global Innovation for pioneering research that led to the development of the genetic editing technique Crisp-Cas9. 

PhD "Ecohydrological relationships in pine forests in water-scarce environments". Àngela Manrique Alba

DIRECTOR/To: Dr. Juan Bellot Abad. DEPARTMENT: Ecology

TANK: START: 08/06/2017 END: 21/06/2017

DATE OF READING: 18-07-2017

PLACE: Vicens Vives Classroom Economics 

HOUR: 10.30 h


  • PRESIDENT/To: Dr. D. CARLOS To. GRACIA ALONSO. Professor Title of University. University of Barcelona. Dpto. Ecology.
  • SECRETARY/To: Dr. D. ALBERTO VILAGROSA CARMONA. Professor Associated. University of Alicante. Dpto. Ecology.
  • VOWEL: Dr. DÑA. TERESA SOARES DAVID. Senior Researcher; Coordinator of Forestry Systems To the (INIAV). National institute of Investigaçao Agrária and Veterinária (INIAV). Forestry Systems.
  • ACTING PRESIDENT/To: Dr. D. VICTORIANO-RAMÓN VALLEJO SHOD. Professor Title of University. University of Barcelona. Dpto. Vegetal biology.
  • ACTING SECRETARY/To: Dr. DÑA. MARÍA JOSÉ LLEDÓ SOLBES. Professor Title of University. University of Alicante. Dpto. Ecology.
  • ACTING VOWEL: Dr. DÑA. ANGELS GARCÍA MAYOR. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Researcher. Institut Give Sciences of l'Evolution of Montpellier, Centre National of the Recherche Scientifique. Hydrologie.
BBVA Foundation frontiers of knowledge for Francis Mojica award

BBVA Foundation frontiers of knowledge for Francias Mojica award, category Biomedicine, conceded to Francis Mojica, researcher of the MIES, shared with Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier.


The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ) announces 5 grants for Spanish and Latin American exemption of 50% of the amount of the entry fees to the Master in "Integrated planning for rural development and environmental management" (26th edition)


Next Wednesday, September 7 will take place the defense of the thesis "Caracterización Hidrogeológica de los Acuíferos de Aspe y de la Horna (Aspe, Alicante)" defended by Ernesto García Sánchez
Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 10:30 h

Boardroom of the Faculty of Sciences

Prize Jaume I to Francis Mojica

Juan Francisco Martínez Mojica, researcher of the IMEM, has been awarded with the prize Jaume I by his path and findings in the CRISPR system .


"Connectivity among populations: the never ending story", by Dr. Michael Kingsford.
Dr. Kingsford is a Distinguished Professor at the College of Marine and Environmental Sciences at James Cook University (JCU), Australia. The College is a recognized world leader in tropical marine science, aquaculture, ecology, environmental sciences, fisheries, planning, plant sciences and zoology.
His lecture will focus on the importance of connectivity between marine populations.

Place: "Sala de Juntas" of the Faculty of Sciences. Monday, June 6, 12:00 h.


We are pleased to announce a new edition of the Days of diffusion of the institute InvestIMEM 5.0 that will take place next Tuesday 10 May. There will be two blocks of presentations in the morning and a block in the afternoon.

The scientific program is attached, and we expect result you interesting to know the news in the research activities of the MIES, the lines of investigation that develop and interact in an amicable environment and distended with mates, professors and researchers. Even though, will exhibit posters of works of investigation realised by members of the MIES.

Free entrance

Place of the Days: Room of Boards of the Faculty of Sciences.


Taught Course from May 9 to 18  in the SSTT greenhouse of the University of Alicante. For more information visits the page of "Courses".

New!: The course will begin on May 10 

The scientific community posits to the Nobel to the System CRISPR, based in the work of a researcher of the IMEM

The magazine Science has published an article in the consider to the System CRISPR, discovered by the microbiólogo of the IMEM, Juan Francisco Martínez Mojica, like the Scientific Advance of 2015. According to the prestigious publication, the international scientific community posits the finding and to his multiple applications to the Nobel prize.

I Ecuadorian Congress of Restoration of the Landscape

Researchers of the IMEM will collaborate in the I Ecuadorian Congress of Restoration of the Landscape CERP2016, together with the Technical University Particular of Loja, the Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Ecorregión Andean and the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador. The congress will take place in Loja, of the 5 to 9 April 2016.

Project in the process of consolidation of the UA with the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (Ecuador)

Agreement, in preparation, of scientific collaboration through the Institute and the Department of ecology of the University of Alicante with the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (Ecuador).

First study of seismic risk for the major cities of Haiti

Sergio Molina, researcher of the Institute, along with members of the research group of the au "Sismologia-riesgo seismic and processing of the signal in natural phenomena" and in cooperation with several Spanish universities and institutions in Haiti, has completed and published the first study of seismic risk for the major cities of Haiti (Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haïtien).


NEW DATES. October 26 to November 6. You can register until September 25. Click here to see all the information about the course

A researcher of the Institute begins the first global study of Parkinson's disease with human retinas

U.S. scientists involved in this project funded by the Michael J. Fox Foundation

Traduciendo ...

Our researchers attend the V Spring Symposium on Forest Ecophysiology, in Isaba (Navarra), day 20 to May 22, 2015.

A researcher of the MIES inspired the Princess of Asturias Award

The government knocked down in 2008, the project that inspired the Princess of Asturias prize in Dr. Francisco J. Martinez Mojica, researcher of MIES. Dr. Martinez Mojica was the first person that was fixed in some genetic fragments present in bacteria, important in its use in the human immune system.

The Government knocked out in 2008 the project that inspired the Princess of Asturias Award

The Government knocked out in 2008 the project that inspired the Princess of Asturias Award

The Government knocked out in 2008 the project that inspired the Princess of Asturias Award

The Government knocked out in 2008 the project that inspired the Princess of Asturias Award

The Government knocked out in 2008 the project that inspired the Princess of Asturias Award

CampusHabitat5U: Solar of San Anton, the Pla and Carolinas: an opportunity for social and ecological restoration

Panel discussion with people from different fields (cultural, experts, associations...), in order to discuss about the problems and opportunities of land plots abandoned, from a perspective of social and ecological restoration.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 (19:30-21:00 h)

Venue: headquarters of the AU in Alicante

More information: [email protected]


Course of drones

New: UAV/RPA/Drones, new allies in the conservation and restoration course
of the natural environment that is it will produce next May 29 from 10 to 14 h.
Free registration to cover the number of places. The admission will take place in strict order of registration from 12 h of 18 may.
For more information click here

Application for registration

List of supported

Images of the course

IV Conference of Research Institute IMEM RAMON MARGALEF: 4.0 InvestIMEM

We are pleased to announce a new edition of the diffusion day of the Institute InvestIMEM 4.0 that will take place the next day on March 31. There will be two blocks of presentations in the morning and in the afternoon.

Attached you can find the scientific programme, which we hope find you it interesting to learn about new developments in the research activities of the MIES, develop lines of research and interact in a friendly and relaxed environment with peers, teachers and researchers. Also, posters of research work done by members of the Institute will be exhibited.

It is very important that you send an email of confirmation of attendance simply responding to this email and putting in copy to [email protected].

Place of sessions: "Sala de Juntas" of the Sciences Faculty.

Abstracts of the lectures


Next Friday, February 27 will take place the defense of the thesis "Ecological restoration actions. Recovery of the Mediterranean ecosystem functional processes; subjected to disturbance" defended by Haroun Kribeche.

The defense will be held in the boardroom of the headquarters of the city of Alicante at 11:00

Seminar "Ecological characteristics of the human species"

Rapporteur: Estanislao Luis Calabuig. Professor of ecology of the University of León.

Date: 16-02-2015

Place: Department of ecology, phase II seminar of Science (

Time: 16.00 h

Day TRANSFIERE 2015, 4th European forum for science, technology and innovation

It took place at the UA day transfers 2015, 4th European forum for science, technology and innovation (11-12 February 2015 in Malaga) to inform the researchers groups about a business opportunity to find potential technology partners in the scientific field and the business sector.

TRANSFIERE is the great professional and multi-sectoral Forum of the Spanish innovation, in which participants can:

-Establishing b2b contacts

-Transferring scientific knowledge and technological research

-To present their products and innovative services

-Meet the technological needs of the public administration

The IMEM research groups who are interested in attending the Forum (not assumes any expense for the Group), please contact the Secretariat of the IMEM or directly with the office of the OTRI.


A great ECOLOGIST: RAMON MARGALEF (1919-2004) and its influence on the University of Alicante.

By Joandomènec Ros i Aragonés, President of the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC)

3 December 2014
Time: 13.30 - 14.30 h
Salón de Grados "Alfredo Orts", building of optics

From November 17 to December 15,exhibition on Ramon Margalef, on the anniversary of the death of Professor X

Place: Faculty of Sciences phase II, 1st floor (tank)

Opening: Wednesday, November 19 at 13:00 o'clock, with the presence of professors of the Institute Ramon Margalef (MIES), the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and the director of culture.

Traveling exhibition by the Universitat de Barcelona.
Classroom of science - UA. Instituto Universitario Ramon Margalef

You can already consult the electoral calendar for the election of members not born that will form part of the Board of Institute.
On the Bulletin Board next to the Secretariat of the Imem, provisional census is published.
From October 28, check here census election final.

The deadline for nominations of members not born will be open from 4 to 8 November 2014 (printed in the following link:


Open preregistration period until October 23, 2014

This course is aimed at students, researchers and professionals that require knowledge for the development of pilot projects. It is preferable that students have prior knowledge about statistical inference and basic computer. It is not necessary that students have prior knowledge in the statistical software R.


Researchers of the Interuniversity Institute of geography and of the MIES performed a study on floods, droughts and forest fires, which are detected as the main threats by natural phenomena in the population of the Mediterranean coast.

I IMEMUA-company meeting on ecological intelligence

Venue: Room of boards of the Faculty of Sciences

on March 20, 2014, from 17.30 to 19.30

The main objective of this is to promote dialogue of knowledge between research groups and the business sector on multidisciplinary issues of the environment.
The activity will have the format of a round table involving a group of companies that have shown interest for the subject over the Permanent Commission of the IMEM and Professor Rosa Torres, an expert in communication, which act as moderator.

If you want to attend send an e-mail a: [email protected]




III research of the multidisciplinary Institute for the study of the environment "RAMON MARGALEF" INVEST-IMEM 3.0

Venue: Room of boards of the Faculty of Sciences

on March 20 2014, from 9:30 to 13:30

Directed to students of the University of Alicante

If you like to attend to find out what investigated in IMEM sends a mail to: [email protected]



Course that offers the opportunity to improve the different techniques of communication with the different stakeholders that can face in the world of research. The course is free and will be held on 20 and 21 February 2014, hours of morning in the ecology of the Faculty of Science II room, 1st floor, by Professor Rosa Torres.


V CONVOCATION of scholarships to study masters official of the AU, to alumni, teachers and researchers belonging to public universities in Latin America or neighbouring ACP countries.

The grants represent a unique opportunity for alumni, teachers and researchers from institutions of higher education of Latin America and countries of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) to pursue a Masters of one year duration and nature face to face, at the University of Alicante, during the academic year 2014 / 2015.

The deadline for submission of applications begins February 3 and ends March 3, both inclusive.

San Alberto Magno 2013 Conference

Homage to Professor Brian Kerry: Biological Control of nematodes phytopathogens.

Day: November 28 at 11:15 o'clock

Venue: Room 8 of the Faculty of Sciences

By: Luis Vicente López Llorca


Presentation of the cleansing of the Mediterranean campaign "Clean up the Med" Ecologistas en Acción

Francesca Abate, nurse, PhD student in "environment and health".
Title of talk "that strips the sea always returns".
Wednesday, May 15 11:00 h
Seminar of ecology. Phase 2 science.
AEBA technology transfer day

"How access to public technology transfer?"
%u2026To"know" generated in our universities and research centres, 24 April at 17 h.

Delivery of the II Prize Jane Goodall of conservation biology and environmental ethics

Today Wednesday january 9th the awards ceremony of the II Prize Jane Goodall of conservation biology and environmental ethics, will take place at 20 h. in the city of Alicante from the AU headquarters. The award-winning, Carmen Vidal, who develops its work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, will give a lecture on his work, entitled "strategies for the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development through education and training of communities: experiences in South Kivu (Democratic Republic of the Congo)"

CAMPAIGN "Speak for the Jungle"

movilízate By the selvaThe IMEM working with the Goodall Institute in promoting the recycling of mobile phones to stop wars in the Congo. Recycle your old phone (Free Shipping to Madrid or bringing it directly to the Secretariat of Science IMEM-Phase II, 1st floor, so that it delivered us) and assists in:
-reuse terminals and reducing the unsustainable demand for its components,
-recycle useful items and properly dispose of toxic materials, avoiding the environmental pollution.
-raising funds for education and conservation programs in Congo as the Recovery Center Chimpanzees Jane Goodall Institute in Tchimpounga. There are caring for chimpanzees rescued more than 140, and carry out sustainable development programs with the local community.




Multidisciplinary Institute for Environmental Studies

Universidad de Alicante
Carretera de San Vicente del Raspeig s/n
03690 San Vicente del Raspeig
Alicante (Spain)

Tel: (+34) 96 590 3400

Fax: (+34) 96 590 3464

For further information: [email protected], and for enquiries on this web server: [email protected]

Carretera San Vicente del Raspeig s/n - 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante - Tel. 96 590 3400 - Fax 96 590 3464