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Now’s our best chance to win back Net Neutrality, and bring in strong laws to stop ISPs from throttling our Internet, selling our data, and committing billing fraud.

Two FCC commissioners are against Net Neutrality, and two are for it. With one empty seat on the FCC, President Biden must urgently appoint a pro-consumer, pro-Net Neutrality commissioner. 

Community members and grassroots orgs across the country are gearing up to go to battle for Net Neutrality in 2021. Our Senators need to hit the ground running when that call to action launches — and it’s our job to make sure they’re primed and ready to pick up the torch. Tell your Senator: bring back Net Neutrality NOW!

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Net Neutrality is a vital part of a fair, free and accessible Internet. It simply means that Internet Service Providers are not allowed to interfere with your Internet — they can’t block sites or throttle your service or give preferential treatment to certain sites or apps.1 

It’s a pro-consumer regulation, favoured by a majority of people in the US. It was regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), until former Chairman Ajit Pai led the campaign to destroy it.2 

But with Ajit Pai no longer on the FCC, we have a huge opportunity to overturn this — if our government appoints the right person to get the job done. There are four commissioners right now: Two in favour of Net Neutrality, and two against. With one empty seat, all we need is for President Biden to nominate a strong, pro-consumer, pro-Net-Neutrality commissioner. 

Countless groups and individuals across the country have been anxiously awaiting this moment to restore Net Neutrality — and a massive push is coming soon. When America speaks out, the Senate needs to be ready to listen. This is our chance to get our reps on side for the upcoming fight. Email your Senator asking them to bring back Net Neutrality protections NOW!


  1. Net Neutrality: EFF
  2. 4 in 5 Americans say they support net neutrality: poll: The Hill

Press: Laura Tribe | Phone: +1 (888) 441-2640 ext. 0  |