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Results 1-8 of 8
posted bysvapinSearching
Full-text search engine Java library. Builds a search index on Java objects, having the a text content, and performs a quick search via this index. Search results are ordered in such a way, that the most relevant to your query objects are shown at the top of list. To calculate the relevance each object's text content is estimated by frequency of search phrase, phrase position inside content, importance of search words, object size, age, etc.
(0 ratings)
Advanced Link Manager
posted bysupportinSearching
Advanced Link Manager is a tool that helps manage your web site incoming links. Advanced Link Manager runs on Mac OS X, Windows 98/2000/XP, and Linux. Almost all major search engines that exist today, rank a web page based on the number and the quality of links that point to that web page. Advanced Link Manager helps you monitor your incoming links, keeping you informed as to where they come from and what their content is. With Advanced Link Manager you can also track your backlinks evolution in time. Some domains have various links to your site, distributed on various pages belonging to that domain, of which only a few bring you relevant traffic. You should be very interested that these important links stay where they are, so tracking their status becomes a necessity. Advanced Link Manager does this for you automatically, through its ability to create updatable reports and meaningful graphical charts.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
DBSight Database Search
DBSight is a deployable J2EE web application that can create one or several search engines on any JDBC relational databases. It's a highly configurable platform to create search. It can crawl your database, create indexes, display search results. You can customize most of the components, and manage the indexes -- all by web interface. * Scalable, online demo holds 1.2G data, 1.7 million records * Work on live systems, new or old legacy systems, without changing existing code. * Customizable crawl, customizable indexing, customizable searching, customizable results templates
(0 ratings)
Dieselpoint Search
posted byinfoinSearching
Dieselpoint Search is a guided search and navigation solution. It helps users navigate through data sets in an intuitive way by taking advantage of the data's underlying structure. Customers are currently using it to guide users to the best items in product catalogs, the best documents in document collections, and the best pages on websites and intranets. It presents highly relevant, tailored results in a way not possible for traditional search engines or SQL databases. Scalable to millions of items and hundreds of searches per second, it powers some of the top sites on the web. Supports 40 languages. Written entirely in Java.
(3 ratings)
ap4j ( for Java)
ap4j is a Free Java API for's Web Service. The API eliminates the need to know any knowledge about SOAP or Web services, the API handles all web service requests to and from and returns an easy to use Java bean. If you want to make some easy money on your website, check this out!
(3 ratings)
ObjectsSearch Web APIs
With the ObjectsSearch Web APIs service, software developers can query ObjectsSearch index from their own computer programs. ObjectsSearch uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET.
(0 ratings)
a4j (Amazon web services for Java)
a4j (Amazon web services for Java) is a Free Open Source API, that makes it easier to access Amazons product catalog. It is perfect for Amazon affiliates. It provides the developer an easy to use API to search the Amazon catalog. It will connect to Amazon get the XML file, parse it and return to you an easy to use Java Bean. It does all of the hard work for the developer, so that the developer can concentrate on more important things. It supports caching, so it won't have to always connect to Amazon to get the information, which means it is much faster. Try it out and let the author know what you think!
(18 ratings)
Search engine ranking - Advanced Web Ranking
posted bysupportinSearching
Checking your web site position is a very time consuming task. For example, if you have 10 keywords that you want to monitor, and you want to check the top 20 positions for 10 search engines, you need to perform about 200 (10 keywords * 10 engines * first 2 pages) individual searches to get the results. Then you need to compare the results one by one to find where your site is positioned. It may take you days to complete this task if you do this manually. That's where Advanced Web Ranking comes to help. Advanced Web Ranking is able to query over 200 search engines and quickly find out if you're moving up or down in the rankings, or if your site is listed at all. It will track the progress of your rankings over time and display that information in an easy to read and understand graphical and tabular reports. It can help you check not just the position of your website but the position of your competitors' web sites as well. Advanced Web Ranking has the ability to generate and email reports after an update was finished. Couple that with the Scheduled Updates ability, and you will be able to turn on your computer in the morning and find reports on your websites ranks waiting for you in your Inbox. As a SEO, you can have updates being run and sent to your customers every night without even lifting a hand. Various types of reports (Current Rank, Top Sites, Web Site, etc.) can be created in any of the formats Advanced Web Ranking supports (PDF, HTML, Excel, XML or Text). Then they can be emailed to any of the addresses you pick from the Address Book, or saved to a folder where you can access them over the Internet.
(6 ratings)
Price 59.00
Results 1-8 of 8