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VideoLAN, ur raktres hag ur aozadur hep-gounidoù.
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VLC media player

VLC a zo ul lenner liesvedia ha sternioù, digoust hag en open-source, gouest eo lenn peurvrasañ ar restroù liesvedia ha protokoloù froudoù dre skignañ lies.

Raktresoù all kaset da benn gant VideoLAN

Gwelet an holl raktresoù

Roit an dorn deomp!

reiñ arc'hant
  • Donate to VLC
    Videolan a zo un aozadur hep-goudnidoù.
    Hollad hor c'houstoù a zo arc'hantaouet gant roadennoù arc'hant a resevomp gant hon implijaderien. Ma plij deoc'h ober gant ur produ VideoLAN, grit ur roadenn-arc'hant evit sikour ac'hanomp.
    Gouzout hiroc'h
Reiñ an dorn
  • Contribute Work to VLC
    VideoLan a zo meziant en open-source.
    Ar pezh a dalvez m'ho peus ar varregezh hag ar c'hoant da wellaat unan eus hon froduioù, ho tegasadennoù a zo degemeret mat
    Gouzout hiroc'h
Rannañ ar ger
  • Spread VLC
    Kavout a ra deomp en deus VideoLAN ar meziant video gwellañ hegerz d'ar priz gwellañ 'zo holl: digoust. Ma savit a-du rannit ar ger diwar-benn hor meziant.
    Gouzout hiroc'h

&Hizivadurioù Nevez


A new release of libbluray was pushed today, adding new APIs, to improve the control of the library, improve platforms support, and fix some bugs. See our libbluray page.


20 years ago today, VideoLAN moved from a closed-source student project to the GNU GPL, thanks to the authorization of the École Centrale Paris director at that time.
VLC has grown a lot since, thanks to 1000 volunteers!
Read our press release!.


VideoLAN is now publishing the VLC for Android 3.3.4 release which focuses on improving the Chromecast support. Since the 3.3.0 release, a lot of improvements have been made for Android TV, SMB support, RTL support, subtitles picking and stability..


VideoLAN is now publishing 3.0.12 release, which adds support for Apple Silicon, improves Bluray, DASH and RIST support. It fixes some audio issues on macOS, some crashes on Windows and fixes security issues. More details on the release page.


A minor release of libbluray was pushed today, focused on fixing bugs and improving the support for UHD Blurays. More details on the libbluray page.

Muioc'h a Nevezentioù

Blogoù an Diorroerien

Rémi Denis-Courmont: VLC plug-in for YoutubeDL

The third major update of the VLC YoutubeDL plug-in is now available, bringing most enhancements from version that was built into the VLC 4.0 development branch last year.[...]

Media Sokial

[videolan] Students, you still have 1 day to submit your GSoC proposal, to be paid this summer to work on VLC and VideoLAN pro…

[FFmpeg] FFmpeg 4.4 "Rao" has been released! More information about new features can be found here:

[steeve] Related to the recent discussions about @gassee’s BeOS, here is a recent version of VLC running on @haikuOS !

[videolan] libbluray 1.3.0 is now out: New APIs to improve the control of the library, improvements for Windows and FreeBSD su…

[videolan] For Easter, join the VLC Egg Hunt, to find the hidden cones in virtual Paris, and win original NFT street art, insp…