Accessible Color Contrast with John B. Northrup from WebAIM

WordPress San Fernando Valley Meetup
WordPress San Fernando Valley Meetup
Public group

Online event

Link visible for attendees


**** NOTE: New Day and Time for Just This Meetup:
11:00am PDT MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2021 ****

We love that the WordPress Twenty Twenty-One theme comes preloaded with an accessible color palette, but what if you want to pick your own colors?

Did you know that if you don't have enough contrast between your text and graphical elements/backgrounds, all that work you put into your WordPress website may be wasted because visitors can't actually read your work or figure out what your call to action (CTA) buttons will do?

We know, those gray-text-on-gray-background designs have been popular in the 00's, but is coolness worth giving people headaches and losing customers?

Our Accessibility Speaker series continues with John B. Northrup from WebAIM** who will show you how to use color on your WordPress websites in a way that makes words and visual elements easy to see for all visitors.

** WebAIM is the organization behind some handy contrast checkers and the accessibility testing tool WAVE. And it also offers great accessibility learning content at

Practical Skills you will Learn:
✅ What WCAG*** requires for color contrast, and
✅ How color contrast is calculated, and
✅ Tools for evaluating contrast

*** Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, established by

ABOUT John Northrup: A creative problem solver, initiative taker, and team player with a passion for digital equality, John is very experienced in helping customers leverage web accessibility techniques to achieve a competitive advantage. John has a diverse background in accessibility, usability, and front-end coding that gives him special skills and insights into WordPress web accessibility.


We encourage you to test your site as you learn during the presentation.
We may have time at the end to test someone's site, (time permitting) however, NO GUARANTEE of site selection for testing.
This meetup will be recorded.


Who should attend?

Our meetup is inclusive. This event is for people who love WordPress and Accessibility and want to share their knowledge, experience, and to meet other WordPress users in the area. Both experienced and beginner WordPress designers are encouraged to attend and participate.

We do have a few rules.

In line with the mission of WordPress, our meetup was established in keeping with the 5 Good Faith Rules on Make WordPress ( Also please check our Code of Conduct ( We’re a friendly bunch, creating a friendly, nurturing and encouraging environment to talk WordPress.

NO Sales pitches of your products or services to the group. NO pitches of any product that you receive a kickback or commission.

No legal discussion or advice, unless you are a practicing civil rights or disability rights attorney and not just playing one on TV ...


** A very special thank you to Sumner M. Davenport & Assoc. LLC for sponsoring our LIVE captioning and the Zoom video conferencing services for this Meetup. **

This event will be live captioned in realtime by a remote person and may be recorded. To display the live captions, use Zoom's caption feature, or learn how with this help center article:


Please do not share the event link; only group members who have RSVP'd will be admitted.