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Object Oriented Programming

"...because thinking inside the box is okay, as long as it's a black box."

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Protect class from disallowing changes to values outside in C#

Protect class from disallowing changes to values outside in C#

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1 min read
JavaScript: Why Does `this` Work Like This?

JavaScript: Why Does `this` Work Like This?

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3 min read
Code Smell 67 - Middle Man

Code Smell 67 - Middle Man

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1 min read
Running java programs from the terminal

Running java programs from the terminal

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1 min read
Object-oriented Programming in Python �??

Object-oriented Programming in Python �??

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6 min read
ActiveRecord - Value Objects with serialize

ActiveRecord - Value Objects with serialize

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4 min read
Lei de Demeter

Lei de Demeter

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2 min read
A Walk Through the Gilded Rose Kata — Pt 5: Open to extension, closed to modification

A Walk Through the Gilded Rose Kata — Pt 5: Open to extension, closed to modification

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3 min read
A Walk Through the Gilded Rose Kata — Pt 4: Discovering what GildedRose really is

A Walk Through the Gilded Rose Kata — Pt 4: Discovering what GildedRose really is

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4 min read
A Walk Through the Gilded Rose Kata — Pt 3: From Faux-O to OO

A Walk Through the Gilded Rose Kata — Pt 3: From Faux-O to OO

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6 min read
A Walk Through the Gilded Rose Kata — Pt 2: Duplication is your friend (at first)

A Walk Through the Gilded Rose Kata — Pt 2: Duplication is your friend (at first)

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6 min read
A Walk Through the Gilded Rose Kata — Pt 1: Do not break anything

A Walk Through the Gilded Rose Kata — Pt 1: Do not break anything

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7 min read
Orientação a objetos de outra forma: Métodos estáticos e de classes

Orientação a objetos de outra forma: Métodos estáticos e de classes

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3 min read
SOLID: Principio de Abierto/Cerrado

SOLID: Principio de Abierto/Cerrado

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6 min read
Javascript Objects and the Practical Use of them...

Javascript Objects and the Practical Use of them...

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4 min read
Herencia Prototipal en JavaScript con la ayuda de Shingeki no Kyojin

Herencia Prototipal en JavaScript con la ayuda de Shingeki no Kyojin

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10 min read
C++ encapsulation, a tale of getters and setters ?

C++ encapsulation, a tale of getters and setters ?

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3 min read
Code Smell 65 - Variables Named After Types

Code Smell 65 - Variables Named After Types

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1 min read
Golang for Object Oriented People

Golang for Object Oriented People

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3 min read
Virtual as a code smell*

Virtual as a code smell*

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5 min read
It is an argument, not a trojan horse!

It is an argument, not a trojan horse!

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3 min read
SOLID: Open Closed Principle

SOLID: Open Closed Principle

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5 min read
Code Smell 64 - Inappropriate Intimacy

Code Smell 64 - Inappropriate Intimacy

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1 min read
Liskov Substitution Principle

Liskov Substitution Principle

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1 min read
Code Smell 66 - Shotgun Surgery

Code Smell 66 - Shotgun Surgery

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1 min read
Orientação a objetos de outra forma: Classes e objetos

Orientação a objetos de outra forma: Classes e objetos

Reactions 8 Comments 6
6 min read
Beginner's guide to abstract base class in Python

Beginner's guide to abstract base class in Python

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3 min read
Creating classes in python

Creating classes in python

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4 min read
Class Variables in Python

Class Variables in Python

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2 min read
I created my own SOLID principles

I created my own SOLID principles

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3 min read
SOLID: Single Responsibility Principle

SOLID: Single Responsibility Principle

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5 min read
Namespaces con PHP

Namespaces con PHP

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3 min read
Golang OOP primitives

Golang OOP primitives

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7 min read
Inheritance in Java

Inheritance in Java

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2 min read
C++ Copy Constructors

C++ Copy Constructors

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4 min read
Better OOP Through Lazily-Instantiated Memoized Dependencies

Better OOP Through Lazily-Instantiated Memoized Dependencies

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6 min read
Function Overloading

Function Overloading

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2 min read
Explain me OOP's concept in simple terms

Explain me OOP's concept in simple terms

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2 min read
Code Smell 63 - Feature Envy

Code Smell 63 - Feature Envy

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1 min read
Stop Calling them ‘Bugs’

Stop Calling them ‘Bugs’

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2 min read
10 - Factory Method

10 - Factory Method

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6 min read
Demystifying Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) in PHP

Demystifying Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) in PHP

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5 min read
Strategic - Painless Strategy Pattern in Ruby and Rails

Strategic - Painless Strategy Pattern in Ruby and Rails

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3 min read
True private attributes and methods for modern Perl OOP

True private attributes and methods for modern Perl OOP

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3 min read
How I mock unit tests in Golang

How I mock unit tests in Golang

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3 min read
JavaScript is weird (and cool) - comparing it with the object-orientated languages: Java and C#

JavaScript is weird (and cool) - comparing it with the object-orientated languages: Java and C#

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8 min read
Object-Oriented Programming applied to JS (Crash Course Recommendation)

Object-Oriented Programming applied to JS (Crash Course Recommendation)

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1 min read
Encapsulamento da lógica do algoritmo

Encapsulamento da lógica do algoritmo

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5 min read
How to Learn Perl Object Oriented Programming?

How to Learn Perl Object Oriented Programming?

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2 min read
Constructors in C++

Constructors in C++

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1 min read
Advertising another approach to Maintainable OOP

Advertising another approach to Maintainable OOP

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12 min read
8 - Interpreter

8 - Interpreter

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7 min read
Understanding SOLID Principles: Dependency Inversion

Understanding SOLID Principles: Dependency Inversion

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3 min read
Object-Oriented Programming (Easy Description)

Object-Oriented Programming (Easy Description)

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3 min read
OOP Php part-1

OOP Php part-1

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7 min read
Designing an OOP System

Designing an OOP System

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6 min read
Replacing JavaScript Classes With The Module Design Pattern

Replacing JavaScript Classes With The Module Design Pattern

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10 min read
Bringing Modern OO To Perl

Bringing Modern OO To Perl

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4 min read
How SOLID is your code? - Liskov's Substitution Principle

How SOLID is your code? - Liskov's Substitution Principle

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4 min read
7 - Facade

7 - Facade

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7 min read