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Master of Education: Online Teaching

Online Master of Education in Online Teaching (M.Ed.)

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$0 Application Fee
$0 Transfer Credit Evaluation
72%Have Graduated with No APUS-incurred Student Loan Debt1

About This Program

The online teaching master’s program at American Military University (AMU) is intended for those who teach, facilitate, or lead in K-12 virtual/online or hybrid schools or institutions and who already hold K-12 teaching licensure.

AMU’s Master of Education in Online Teaching is an online program designed to meet the needs of diverse learners. It covers:

  • Digital learning strategies that drive student success
  • Personalized learning for online students
  • Management techniques specifically for online classrooms
  • Ethical and legal issues in online learning

Your experience is enlivened through technology-based assignments, case study analysis, and problem-based learning.

NOTE: This program has specific admission requirements.

What You Will Do

  1. Analyze digital learning strategies that impact student learning
  2. Review ways to participate as a member of professional learning communities
  3. Evaluate subjects and how to teach them to digital learners
  4. Understand and evaluate digital assessments
  5. Create digital learning environments for online, face-to-face, and/or hybrid settings
  6. Create ways to interact with program mentors, academic specialists, colleagues, parents, and community stakeholders in digital learning environments

View Program Outcome Assessment Results

Degree at a Glance

CCNE Accredited
Number of Credits
Cost Per Credit
$370 | $250*
Courses Start Monthly

Program Requirements Printable Catalog Version

Must take all courses for this section.

Course ID: 4355

This course examines the similarities and differences of the learning needs and abilities of adult and younger learners. The course emphasizes differentiated instruction and course development as applicable to adult and K-12 learners in traditional, virtual, and hybrid contexts. Topics include a historical perspective; diversity; andragogy versus pedagogy in the online classroom; trends and issues with technology education and online education; LMS elements; and basics of grant writing/technology grant writing. (Candidates in the M. Ed. Teaching-Concentration in Secondary Social Studies program must take the 16-week course version per the West Virginia Board of Education-no exceptions.)
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
04/26/21 - 10/01/21 10/04/21 - 11/28/21 Fall 2021 Session B 8 Week session
05/21/21 - 10/29/21 11/01/21 - 12/26/21 Fall 2021 Session I 8 Week session
06/28/21 - 12/03/21 12/06/21 - 01/30/22 Fall 2021 Session D 8 Week session
07/27/21 - 12/31/21 01/03/22 - 02/27/22 Winter 2022 Session B 8 Week session
08/31/21 - 02/04/22 02/07/22 - 04/03/22 Winter 2022 Session I 8 Week session
09/28/21 - 03/04/22 03/07/22 - 05/01/22 Winter 2022 Session D 8 Week session

Course ID: 4169

This course, designed for educators, examines issues related to promoting equitable learning opportunities in the classroom, including effective approaches to encourage collaboration among colleagues, staff, parents, and students who are culturally, ethnically and socio-economically diverse. Interpersonal communication skills – to include speaking, listening, reading, and writing - and their effect on individuals, organizations, and communities will be discussed. Topics examined include ethnic, cultural, gender, class, religious, and linguistic diversity.
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
04/26/21 - 10/01/21 10/04/21 - 11/28/21 Fall 2021 Session B 8 Week session
05/21/21 - 10/29/21 11/01/21 - 12/26/21 Fall 2021 Session I 8 Week session
07/27/21 - 12/31/21 01/03/22 - 02/27/22 Winter 2022 Session B 8 Week session
09/28/21 - 03/04/22 03/07/22 - 05/01/22 Winter 2022 Session D 8 Week session

Course ID: 4983

This course is designed for the practicing K-12 education professional or leader who teaches in a virtual or hybrid classroom setting. The focus is on proactive and reactive positive classroom management approaches and strategies that are unique to a digital learning environment. Program candidates will explore systematic approaches including Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and topics such as cultural considerations, data tools, assessment and analysis of behaviors, and fostering community and collaboration in online classrooms. In this course, candidates will focus on implementing strategies for class-wide, small group, and individual intervention as well as methods for monitoring student progress.
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
05/21/21 - 10/29/21 11/01/21 - 12/26/21 Fall 2021 Session I 8 Week session
06/28/21 - 12/03/21 12/06/21 - 01/30/22 Fall 2021 Session D 8 Week session
09/28/21 - 03/04/22 03/07/22 - 05/01/22 Winter 2022 Session D 8 Week session

Course ID: 4171

Educators learn the appropriate methods for selection, administration, and interpretation of assessments in K12 education, and other instructional settings. Research and statistical concepts such as reliability, validity, and standard error of measurement are reviewed. Educators also become familiar with the most frequently used personality, educational, intelligence, formative, and summative assessments. Discussions include historical perspectives regarding assessment, testing ethics, and use of instruments with diverse populations. (Prerequisite: EDUC503)
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
04/26/21 - 10/01/21 10/04/21 - 11/28/21 Fall 2021 Session B 8 Week session
06/28/21 - 12/03/21 12/06/21 - 01/30/22 Fall 2021 Session D 8 Week session
08/31/21 - 02/04/22 02/07/22 - 04/03/22 Winter 2022 Session I 8 Week session

Course ID: 4174

This course examines the role of the educator working collaboratively with other school and instructional personnel in an inclusion model. This approach to effective instruction will focus on the classroom factors relating to the nature of the student and the essential meaning of the curriculum. Particular emphasis will be placed on classroom elements that educators can differentiate – or modify – to increase the likelihood that each student will learn as much as possible, as efficiently as possible. This would include the areas of content, process, products, affect and learning environment. The idea of differentiating instruction to accommodate the different ways that students learn often involves working with others to reach this goal. (Prerequisite: EDUC503)
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
04/26/21 - 10/01/21 10/04/21 - 11/28/21 Fall 2021 Session B 8 Week session
05/21/21 - 10/29/21 11/01/21 - 12/26/21 Fall 2021 Session I 8 Week session
08/31/21 - 02/04/22 02/07/22 - 04/03/22 Winter 2022 Session I 8 Week session

Course ID: 2811

This course provides an overview of approaches to research; rationales for methodological choices; integrity of research processes; and tools and techniques for data collection and analyses. Additional topics include making conclusions public and ensuring that research participants are respected and valued throughout the research process. Course participation and activities provide experiences designed to equip practitioners with the knowledge and skills necessary to select, evaluate, and apply findings from extant research and conceptualize research studies related to issues at the K-12 and/or higher education levels. Candidates in the M. Ed. Teaching-Concentration in Secondary Social Studies program must take the 16-week course version per the West Virginia Board of Education-no exceptions. (Prerequisites: Either EDUC502, EDUC503, EDUC505, EDUC506, EDUC508, EDUC509, EDUC621, SAHE511, or ADHE601)
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
04/26/21 - 10/01/21 10/04/21 - 11/28/21 Fall 2021 Session B 8 Week session
05/21/21 - 10/29/21 11/01/21 - 12/26/21 Fall 2021 Session I 8 Week session
07/27/21 - 12/31/21 01/03/22 - 02/27/22 Winter 2022 Session B 8 Week session
09/28/21 - 03/04/22 03/07/22 - 05/01/22 Winter 2022 Session D 8 Week session

Course ID: 4176

This course explores how technology may be used as a tool to facilitate changes in the ways teachers teach and students learn, and ultimately to examine how teachers can use technology more efficiently and effectively to improve student achievement. The course also examines how educators can increase their productivity by using technology for communication and collaboration among colleagues, staff, parents, students, and the larger community. This course addresses the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS•T), developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (Prerequisite: EDUC503)
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
05/21/21 - 10/29/21 11/01/21 - 12/26/21 Fall 2021 Session I 8 Week session
07/27/21 - 12/31/21 01/03/22 - 02/27/22 Winter 2022 Session B 8 Week session
09/28/21 - 03/04/22 03/07/22 - 05/01/22 Winter 2022 Session D 8 Week session

Must take all courses for this section.

Course ID: 4356

This course will focus on the issue of ownership of certain types of intellectual property on the internet, which has become a critical issue with different technological platforms, digital tools, and apps becoming so prevalent in our schools and culture. In this course online, face-to-face, and hybrid educators, or candidates, will learn about the different types of potential copyright infringement and its implication for course development. There will be an attempt to dispel the common notion that since material is readily available on the internet, it is now public domain and is free from copyright concerns. (Candidates in the M. Ed. Teaching-Concentration in Secondary Social Studies program must take the 16-week course version per the West Virginia Board of Education-no exceptions.)
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
04/26/21 - 10/01/21 10/04/21 - 11/28/21 Fall 2021 Session B 8 Week session
06/28/21 - 12/03/21 12/06/21 - 01/30/22 Fall 2021 Session D 8 Week session
09/28/21 - 03/04/22 03/07/22 - 05/01/22 Winter 2022 Session D 8 Week session

Course ID: 4357

In this course candidates will develop an understanding of the structure of the different types of software/genres (e. g. application, drill and practice, tutorial and simulation), and their effect on raising student achievement. Candidates will gain an appreciation for the types of online learning experiences that will enhance the online student experience. Scholarly literature that addresses student achievement gains via technology will be examined. Candidates will be introduced to a typology for software and interactive web experiences that predict the effect of student achievement based on the unique features of interactive product. (Candidates in the M. Ed. Teaching-Concentration in Secondary Social Studies program must take the 16-week course version per the West Virginia Board of Education-no exceptions.)
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
04/26/21 - 10/01/21 10/04/21 - 11/28/21 Fall 2021 Session B 8 Week session
05/21/21 - 10/29/21 11/01/21 - 12/26/21 Fall 2021 Session I 8 Week session
07/27/21 - 12/31/21 01/03/22 - 02/27/22 Winter 2022 Session B 8 Week session
08/31/21 - 02/04/22 02/07/22 - 04/03/22 Winter 2022 Session I 8 Week session
09/28/21 - 03/04/22 03/07/22 - 05/01/22 Winter 2022 Session D 8 Week session

Course ID: 4361

This advanced graduate course will examine the current best practices for personalization for each individual student in our K-16 classrooms. Personalization is closely related to two additionally important terms: individualization and differentiation. All three terms require a shift from a teacher-centered approach to an authentic student-centered approach. A true student-centered focus requires tailoring of lessons to the abilities, interests, preferences, future life dreams, socio-emotional attributes, and other needs of individual students. The course examines motivation, assessment, and technological tools and how they pertain to personalization in online, face-to-face and hybrid contexts. (Candidates in the M. Ed. Teaching-Concentration in Secondary Social Studies program must take the 16-week course version per the West Virginia Board of Education-no exceptions.)
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
04/26/21 - 10/01/21 10/04/21 - 11/28/21 Fall 2021 Session B 8 Week session
07/27/21 - 12/31/21 01/03/22 - 02/27/22 Winter 2022 Session B 8 Week session

Choose 3 credit hours from this section.

Course ID: 4359

In this course candidates will explore and evaluate the different types of online learning platforms, as well as study the different components of asynchronous and synchronous instructional delivery. Candidates will demonstrate an ability to develop a complete online course for delivery in the Blackboard, Sakai, eCollege, Moodle, or other LMS environment. (Candidates in the M. Ed. Teaching-Concentration in Secondary Social Studies program must take the 16-week course version per the West Virginia Board of Education-no exceptions.)
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
05/21/21 - 10/29/21 11/01/21 - 12/26/21 Fall 2021 Session I 8 Week session
07/27/21 - 12/31/21 01/03/22 - 02/27/22 Winter 2022 Session B 8 Week session
09/28/21 - 03/04/22 03/07/22 - 05/01/22 Winter 2022 Session D 8 Week session

Course ID: 4984

This course will examine the different technological platforms, digital tools, and apps that have emerged and are appropriate for online, face-to-face, and hybrid learning environments, with a focus on online learning. Candidates, or course participants, learn about the potential for using social networking sites as vehicles for effective communication that can promote as well as inform. Candidates, or students, will explore writing applications for Apple proprietary products such as iPhone and iPad and other smart phones and tablet devices. Candidates will be exposed to cloud computing, WebQuests, and collaboration tools to be better prepared to integrate technology into K-16 instruction in ways that promote learners connecting, engaging, interacting, creating, problem-solving, and experiencing immersive learning.
Registration Dates Course Dates Session Weeks
04/26/21 - 10/01/21 10/04/21 - 11/28/21 Fall 2021 Session B 8 Week session
05/21/21 - 10/29/21 11/01/21 - 12/26/21 Fall 2021 Session I 8 Week session
08/31/21 - 02/04/22 02/07/22 - 04/03/22 Winter 2022 Session I 8 Week session

Must take all courses for this section.

Course ID: 4982

In this capstone course, candidates will apply program theories, content, and skills to address a real-world, field-based issue in an adult education, digital learning, or other pertinent context relative to the academic program of study. This course requires candidates to conceptualize and present an original scholarly research study to include research questions based upon an issue in a face-to-face/online/or hybrid educational setting, a literature review, research methods, data and analysis, discussion, and references. The capstone project requires written, oral, and audiovisual/multimedia components proposed by the candidate and approved by the course instructor. Capstone course work must follow the style requirements established by the Teaching department. All grades for any capstone attempts will appear on the transcript and will be calculated in the GPA. Candidates may choose an 8-week or 16-week course format. This is intended to be the final course in the degree program and all other course work should be completed.

Courses Start Monthly

Next Courses Start Oct 4
Register by Oct 1

Admission Requirements

All AMU master's degree and graduate certificate programs require a bachelor’s degree (or higher) from an institution whose accreditation is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

In addition, the following is required for admission into this program. All documentation must be provided prior to course registration:

  • A minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.5
  • Official bachelor’s or master’s transcript showing conferral of degree
  • School of Education non-certification questionnaire
  • Graduate writing sample
  • Signed statement of understanding (SOU)

Please read all graduate admission requirements before applying to this program and be prepared to submit the required documentation including a legible copy of your valid government-issued photo ID (civilian students) or government-issued JST or CCAF transcript (military students).

If you have a non-U.S. transcript, please view our International Admissions page for more information.

There is no fee to complete the AMU admission application. View steps to apply.


This program does not lead to state certification or licensure, nor can it be used to maintain state licensure or certification. We strongly encourage you to explore your state-specific requirements prior to applying here in order to make an informed decision. In addition, you may email our coordinator of certification and licensure at [email protected].

You are required to take EDUC621 as the first course in this degree program, but other courses may be taken in conjunction with EDUC621.

An AMU admissions representative will contact you via email or phone to assist you with the enrollment process, review your documentation, and notify you when you have been admitted into the program and may register for courses.

Materials Cost

Technology fee: $65 per course | $0 for active-duty military, National Guard members, and Reservists.

Need Help?

Selecting the right program to meet your educational goals is a key step in ensuring a successful outcome. If you are unsure of which program to choose, or need more information, please contact an AMU admissions representative at 877-755-2787 or [email protected].

Quality Education Should Be Affordable

So you can focus on the opportunities ahead, without the financial burden of more expensive schools who are not as invested in your success. Learn more about paying for school.

Consumer Information

Department of Education and State Disclosures

For information on costs, median debt, state licensure requirements and more, view the gainful employment disclosures and the program disclosures for Maryland residents.

1Alumni Graduated with No APUS-incurred Student Loan Debt As of December 31, 2020

Includes alumni who graduated with an associate, bachelor's, or master's degree from APUS. Student loan debt is defined as student loans and private education loans used for tuition, fees, living expenses, and book costs associated with courses taken at APUS. Many APUS students receive military tuition assistance and veterans education benefits, which are not student loan debt.

*Cost Per Credit Hour

To minimize out-of-pocket costs, U.S. active-duty servicemembers, their spouse/dependents, National Guard members, and Reservists receive a tuition grant that caps undergraduate, master's degree, and graduate certificate tuition at $250/credit hour. In addition, a university book grant provides no-cost textbooks and ebooks for all undergraduates and military-tuition-grant-eligible master’s-level students.
See all military student benefits.