Getting Started With Support

Getting started in Support is a comfort level thing. You help where you’re most comfortable and because of that, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ reply to the simple question of “How do I get started?”

We can, however, give you some general pointers.

  • Follow this blog! We talk about stuff here, and try to post the important bits regularly.
  • If you want to help in the forums, join the #forums on the Slack. Even if you’re not a moderator, we discuss problems and solutions there. It’s NOT a support list, and it’s not for complaining about moderators. It’s for volunteers helping volunteers help others.
  • Like IRC? We have a channel on Freenode called #wordpress and we’re always welcoming more.
  • If you’re really into documentation, rather than helping people one-on-one, go to Make Docs and jump in. There’s a lot of crossover between the two groups since many of us get tired of answering the same question and jump in.

Do I need to have a lot of time to do this? Do I need to have a lot of time to do this?

Not at all! An hour a day or even five minutes is better than zero. We don’t have any time limits, we just ask you do your best.

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That’s cool, but I want to be a forum moderator That’s cool, but I want to be a forum moderator

Sure. Maybe. You should read Contributing to the WordPress Forums first.

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Where do I go for help or if I have questions? Where do I go for help or if I have questions?

The #forums channel on Slack. No really. We’re here for you.

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