National Informatics Centre is providing web hosting services to the various Indian Government Ministries/Departments/ Organisations/ Institutions as well as State Government Departments and District Administrations & GOV.IN Domains. The web hosting services are also extended on the other country level domains like .IN, AC.IN, ORG.IN etc. as well as on generic domain names like .COM, .ORG, .NET etc.
NIC is the exclusive Registrar for GOV.IN domain names. The use of GOV.IN Domain is restricted to the constituents of Indian Government at various levels, right from Central, State/ Union Territory, District and Sub-District to block, village etc.
Using this service, government organisations can get domain names under GOV.IN as per the guidelines. Along with this, users can easily find out domain information, register the available domain names (including sub-domain name registration), and manage the registered names too.
NIC has undertaken Capacity Building Initiative to provide nationwide trainings/workshops to sensitize different stakeholders with respect to compliance of Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW). NIC has developed these Guidelines as an initiative under the National Portal of India Project. National Portal of India is the Official Portal of the Government of India, designed, developed and hosted by the National Informatics Centre.
Domain Life Cycle
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