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ehashman commented Mar 23, 2021

We will be merging PRs in ~hourly batches starting 2021-03-23 19:00 UTC. Don't fret if we haven't got to your PR yet, we are still accepting signatures at this time.

If your PR gets closed and your name was not properly added, feel free to send an email (digitalautonomy at as we are using a small amount of automation to generate the names list and it might miss names if not correc

Community AMA with Harry Marr
Staff pick

Join the GitHub community for an AMA with Staff Manager, Software Engineering and co-founder of Dependabot Harry Marr.

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An infrastructure-as-code tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently.
GitHub Community AMA
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GitHub Community AMA

March 25, 2021 • Virtual

Join Engineering Manager and Co-Founder of Dependabot Harry Marr on our first GitHub Security Community AMA, an hour of learning and discussion about Dependabot.
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mperham commented Jan 26, 2021

I have a Sidekiq customer complaining of a lot of "stuck" threads. He sends a lot of email so I suspected misbehaving SMTP servers.

The mail gem has support for timeouts here but they default to nil:

Rails does not appear to set them by default:


Cloud 66 Skycap screenshot
App recommended by GitHub

Cloud 66 Skycap

Skycap is a container-native Continuous Delivery Pipeline. It takes your code from any git repository, and allows you to build your image in a reliable, secure, and repeatable way.

Skycap runs your Docker build workflow step by step for multiple images. It comes complete with an intuitive UI & private Docker repository.

Combine with Maestro for an end-to-end solution.

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eldadfux commented Oct 27, 2020

We want to use caching to speed up Appwrite's Travis CI build process, and we can use the community help here.

Currently our build process time is around ~10 minutes which is OK, but as faster it can be less time maintainers needs to wait for confirmation that there changes are running as expected.

This change should be focused on our Travis CI YAML file. Any suggestions for improving the co

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Airbrake empowers engineering teams to release with confidence. We alert you to new errors, and give you the information you need to fix those bugs fast. So you can spend less time debugging and focus on writing and shipping great code.