
These are campaigns we are currently working on. Please take action.
Image for COVID aid is for workers, NOT shareholders!

COVID aid is for workers, NOT shareholders!

Big Telecom gobbled up hundreds of millions of dollars in emergency COVID wage relief from our federal government — then turned around and paid it out to their investors. Demand they pay it back now!
Image for #PriceHikeRewind


Tell Minister François-Philippe Champagne that Internet affordability should be his top priority as the new ISED Minister.
Image for Tell Minister Champagne: Protect our phones from fraud!

Tell Minister Champagne: Protect our phones from fraud!

SIM card fraud is a type of identity theft where scammers gain control of your phone number and online accounts through your cell phone service provider. We need clear, strong and transparent rules with real solutions to stop it.
Image for Fix Bill C-11

Fix Bill C-11

Tell the government to make this privacy bill work by closing these loopholes now.
Image for Stop broadcasting giants’ online media takeover!

Stop broadcasting giants’ online media takeover!

Canada’s biggest media conglomerates are making a power grab to force the Internet into the restrictive model of broadcast television — and with Bill C-10, our government is backing them up.
Image for Stop Bill C-10: Guilbeault’s media giant power grab

Stop Bill C-10: Guilbeault’s media giant power grab

With a wink to his broadcasting-giant friends, Minister of Canadian Heritage Steven Guilbeault just tabled Bill C-10, a proposal to try and force 20th century broadcast regulations and taxes onto Internet streaming services.
Image for Fix Privacy in Canada

Fix Privacy in Canada

Sign the petition calling for the Canadian government to give the Privacy Commissioner of Canada the power to enforce Canada’s privacy laws!
Image for Don’t let Minister Guilbeault break streaming!

Don’t let Minister Guilbeault break streaming!

Everyone loses with Guilbeault’s reckless Streaming Tax. But if we flood his inbox with emails, he’ll be forced to drop this harebrained plan to save face.
Image for Tell Minister Guilbeault to kill the Link Tax NOW!

Tell Minister Guilbeault to kill the Link Tax NOW!

Minister Guilbeault is planning to give media giants the power to charge fees for sharing links by copyrighting tiny preview snippets. We can stop this. Message him now!
Image for Done Waiting

Done Waiting

As a voter in their riding, your MP knows you’re watching their actions and will be deciding whether to vote for them in the next Federal election. Email them now and demand to know what real action they’re taking for Internet affordability!

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet.

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