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  1. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    28. 4.

    Finally I want to emphasise again that the main message in my article is that saying to patients that their symptoms “are in their mind” is inappropriate and unacceptable in modern medicine - and I hope everybody can agree with this.

    Zobrazit toto vlákno
  2. 26. 4.

    It’s Going to Be Weird, but We Need to Learn to Live With Germs Again

  3. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    23. 4.
  4. 23. 4.

    Join us for lunch today as part of Denver Urban Gardens Earth Week.

  5. 22. 4.
  6. 22. 4.

    Congratulations to Kadi Nguyen and team showing increased anhedonia and biological signatures of inflammation, previously linked to higher risk of suicide, at moderate-high elevation typical of Western mountain states.

  7. 15. 4.

    Congratulations Jennifer Payet and colleagues for advancing our understanding of serotonergic systems and female social behavior.

  8. 13. 3.

    Indeed...’Does anyone have any of these?’: Lab-supply shortages strike amid global pandemic

  9. 13. 3.

    Modern Life Is Messing With Our Microbiomes, but Science Is Fighting Back - WSJ

  10. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    3. 3.

    Did you ever wonder how many human-brain microbiome studies there are? In my 1st primary (ish) paper from my MSc, I looked at more than 200 studies to see if there were consistent microbial signatures across diseases. But of course I had plenty of help! 🧠🧫🦠

    Zobrazit toto vlákno
  11. 28. 2.

    Thanks Anushka Bose for this interview! Chris Lowry on Gut Bacteria and Mental Health — TEDxMileHigh

  12. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    17. 2.

    A luminary in the Psychoneuroimmunology world

  13. 6. 2.
  14. 3. 2.

    How gut microbes could drive brain disorders

  15. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    28. 1.

    As Editor of I am delighted that our journal has published this important paper on vaccine strategy in mental disorders

  16. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    13. 1.

    Neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 in human and mouse brain

  17. 11. 1.

    How the Right Foods May Lead to a Healthier Gut, and Better Health

  18. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    5. 1.

    Our own MVM-Core Team "Model results show that exposure to indoor PM2.5 might contribute to 476,000 cases of major depressive disorder in the US (95% confidence interval 11,000–1,100,000), approximately 2.7% of the total"

  19. 21. 12. 2020
  20. 17. 12. 2020

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