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Joint Letter— Canada can’t wait for affordable Internet

The government and the CRTC have tools to remedy the situation, but aren't using them effectively. It is time for change.

Canadians Cannot Afford Rogers Acquisition of Shaw Communications

Higher cell phone prices inevitable conclusion to elimination of fourth wireless provider
Image for Ask your MP to fix Bill C-11 and #FixPrivacy in Canada

Ask your MP to fix Bill C-11 and #FixPrivacy in Canada

Our government boasted about imposing some of the highest fines for privacy violations in the world. Now we know these fines won't apply to many of Canada’s most high profile and egregious privacy incidents over the last few years. Ask your MP to amend Bill C-11 to make privacy protections stronger.
News headlines about companies that committed high profile privacy violations in the last few years that would face no fines under Bill C-11

Will Bill C-11 #FixPrivacy in Canada or make it worse?

We were told that Bill C-11 would introduce huge fines for privacy violations. We put it to the test and it completely fails.

Enough is enough: National Day of Action demands affordable internet for Canadians

Pro-consumer coalition launches, says federal government and regulators must deliver more competition and lower prices


Two FCC commissioners are against Net Neutrality, and two are for it. With one empty seat on the FCC, President Biden must urgently appoint a pro-consumer, pro-Net Neutrality commissioner.
Image for COVID aid is for workers, NOT shareholders!

COVID aid is for workers, NOT shareholders!

Big Telecom gobbled up hundreds of millions of dollars in emergency COVID wage relief from our federal government — then turned around and paid it out to their investors. Demand they pay it back now!
Image for You did it, Toronto! It’s full steam ahead for Community Broadband!

You did it, Toronto! It’s full steam ahead for Community Broadband!

You made it happen: thanks to thousands of emails from the community, Toronto City Council said YES to community broadband!

Huge win! Toronto City Council supports Community Broadband

ConnectTO initiative lets Toronto fill the connectivity gaps left by Big Telecom

Privacy Commissioners find police use of Clearview AI violated privacy rights of Canadians

Clearview AI’s indiscriminate facial recognition technology an “affront” to Canadians’ privacy rights, says joint investigation report

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