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Albania through pandemic

Albania through pandemic

We have spent a year that no one expected. The beginning of March 2020 brought an unforeseen turn of events around the world, including Albania. The country was

3/15/2021 8:42 AM

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The lakes of Belshi

The lakes of Belshi

Like a crown full of precious stones, the Dumrea area with its 86 lakes of various sizes fascinates any passerby who seeks to discover it more closely. Positioned

2/25/2021 10:26 AM
The village of Fishta

The village of Fishta

Fishta village is part of Zadrima which is rich in cultural history. This village has a forest area of about 1656 ha, and these forests consist of oaks, hornbeams,

2/24/2021 10:08 AM

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