
Making WordPress.org

Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 4 weeks ago

#1433 new enhancement

Mention WordCamp twitter in tweet when publishing new video

Reported by: BrashRebel Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: WordPress.tv Keywords:


Currently, when WordCamp videos are published on WordPress.tv, a tweet can be generated which shares on the @WordPresstv Twitter account a tweet with a link to the new video. I believe this tweet would have much better reach and engage interested users more easily if the Twitter handle for the relevant WordCamp were included in the tweet.

For this to work dynamically, we could either:

  • Add another field to the posts on WPTV for entering in the appropriate Twitter handle. I don't love this option since it is very manual and the moderating/submitting workflow is already daunting. Although, it would open things up for alternate Twitter handles at the discretion of the submitter and moderator.
  • Retrieve the Twitter handle from WordCamp.org. central.wordcamp.org has a post type wordcamp with a meta key wcpt_twitter which we could access...maybe. Would be pretty cool to make that automatic.

Change History (6)

#1 @BrashRebel
5 years ago

  • Component changed from General to WordPress.tv

#2 @casiepa
3 years ago

I would still go for a field in the submit form, but ask for multiple twitter handles (in one field, seperated with e.g. spaces): Twitter handle(s) of the WordCamp, meetup and/or speaker to add when the video is published.
The field should be added into the form on https://wordpress.tv/submit-video/
The content of the field should go into custom message field of the Publicize:Twitter box at the end. So the custom message should be: Speaker - Title @twitterhandles

#3 @BrashRebel
3 years ago

@casiepa I like that idea. Allowing for multiple handles might be really useful.

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #wptv by casiepa. View the logs.

18 months ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #wptv by timohaver. View the logs.

4 weeks ago

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #meta by casiepa. View the logs.

4 weeks ago

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