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Millennium: 3rd millennium
Centuries: 20t century21st century22nt century
Decades: 1970s  1980s  1990s  – 2000s –  2010s  2020s  2030s
Years: 2002 2003 200420052006 2007 2008
Chinese year o the callach coin

2005 is a common year stairtin on Seturday. It is the Warld Year o Physics, the Year o the Rooster in the Cheinese calendar, an the Internaitional Year o the Eucharist in Catholicism.

Events[eedit | eedit soorce]

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. "London bombings: Police updates". BBC News. 9 Julie 2005. Retrieved 8 November 2009.

See awso[eedit | eedit soorce]