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"To me, hope is informed optimism."

- Michael J. Fox


Michael J. Fox
Here. Until Parkinson’s isn’t.

Even in the face of tremendous challenges, our promise to push Parkinson’s research forward remains steadfast. We’re problem-solvers and we’re optimistic.

Our single, urgent goal: Eliminate Parkinson's disease in our lifetime.

Over $ 1 billion funded in research programs to date

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“Parkinson's patients are the experts on what we have. We have a responsibility as patients to share our experience — what works for us, what we respond to, what we can contribute to research.”

— Michael J. Fox

  • Researcher holding a tablet with brain scan.

    Donate to Research

    Your support will help usher in a future without Parkinson's disease.

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  • Male and female couple smiling for the camera at a Tour de Fox cycling event.

    Fundraise for a Cure

    Thousands of Team Fox members worldwide are turning their passions and interests into millions in funding for Parkinson's research.

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  • Male and female scientists talking in the lab.

    Be Part of the Answer

    You have the power to impact your future and the future of millions living with Parkinson's disease. Explore participating in clinical research today.

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  • Two male advocates in front of the United States Capitol building at the Parkinson's Policy Forum.

    Public Policy Matters

    Your voice and your story can shape policymakers' decisions on issues of importance to the Parkinson's community.

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Dan Kinel
“Participating in research changes how you view your diagnosis… and the world around you. It makes you feel like you are playing an important role in solving a problem that affects millions of people.”
— Dan Kinel, Rochester, NY
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