@shareaholic Please do not submit…


Please do not submit translations for if you do not speak the target language.
Please note that machine translations are against the Guidelines.
Submitting spam translations (including those without human review) may lead to action on your account, which may also affect your ability to host plugins on WordPress.org
Please be respectful of the time GTEs donate to the project.

Hallo @wphippos, Geluk met jou…

Hallo @wphippos,

Geluk met jou nuwe vertalingsbalkie. Jy kan dit hier sien:


Hallo @naomibruwer! Ek het vinnig…

Hallo @naomibruwer!

Ek het vinnig die frases nagesien wat jy vir die Customizr-tema vertaal het.
Baie geluk met jou nuwe balkie. Jy behoort dit binne �?n paar minute hier te kan sien: https://profiles.wordpress.org/naomibruwer/
Laat weet my gerus indien jy enige vrae het.
Ek sal graag �?n paar verskillende frases wil sien om �?n PTE-versoek te oorweeg. PTE-regte beteken dat jou frases nie hoef te wag om nagesien te word nie en dat jy ander se frases kan goedkeur vir die tema.
Ek weet nie of jy bewus is van ons woordelys nie. Hier is �?n skakel: https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/af/default/glossary/
Dit behoort vertaling so �?n bietjie makliker te maak.

Hoop jy het �?n baie lekker dag.


@htmlpie I have been reviewing…


I have been reviewing your strings for the Pen theme.
I currently have reason to suspect that you are using unreviewed machine translations – specifically, translating “Close†as “Nabyâ€, “Right Sidebar†as “Regs zijbalkâ€, “Left Sidebar†as “Linkerzijbalk†and others.
I am bulk rejecting the strings for your theme.

Please note that unreviewed machine translations are not permitted and are considered akin to spam. Spam may lead to action being taken against a WordPress.org account.

@ampcloud Please do not submit…

Please do not submit translations for languages which you do not speak.
Continued machine quality translations may lead to action on your WordPress account, as these are akin to spam.

@lionelpcn Geluk met jou nuwe…

Geluk met jou nuwe balkie. Dit behoort binne �?n paar minute hier te wys: https://profiles.wordpress.org/lionelpcn/

@unisound I see that you…

I see that you have submitted nearly 800 strings for WCFM. Unfortunately you submitted under the wrong locale. This looks like an honest mistake, so I’m just going to reject the strings. Please check the locale carefully. I’m sorry that you lost that much effort.
All the best.

@elemntor I have mass un-approved…

I have mass un-approved translations for Elementor.
Please do not approve strings for locales for which you are not able to read / write / speak the language.
A number of these strings were only partially translated, with most / all of the string having been copied over from the English. There were also a significant number of spelling errors and other errors.
I am not fixing nearly a thousand strings for you and I am not going through them one by one.
Please note that translation spam may lead to action on a plugin author’s account.

@zelliegeustyn I am un-approving all…

I am un-approving all your strings for Elementor, due to dozens of strings that were copied from the English and not actually translated, plus a number of spelling errors.
Please do not submit strings for a language that you are not able to read / write / speak.
Submitting unreviewed, low-quality machine translations may lead to losing access to your account.

@zashadow Welkom by WordPress-vertaling. Geluk…

Welkom by WordPress-vertaling.
Geluk met jou nuwe balkie. Jy kan dit hier sien: https://profiles.wordpress.org/zashadow/