Simple URLs


Simple URLs is a complete URL management system that allows you create, manage, and track outbound links from your site by using custom post types and 301 redirects.


This plugin is now deprecated and will no longer receive feature updates.


Check out the wide range of other link management and link shortener plugins.


Simple URLs adds a new custom post type to your Admin menu, where you can create, edit, delete, and manage URLs. It stores click counts in the form of a custom field on that custom post type, so it scales really well.

And, by avoiding page based redirects, which is the current trend in masking affiliate links, we avoid any issues with permalink conflicts, and therefore avoid any performance issues.

  1. Upload the entire simple-urls folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. DO NOT change the name of the simple-urls folder
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Navigate to Settings > Permalinks and save them. Yes, just click save. Trust me.
  5. Navigate to the Simple URLs menu
  6. Create a new URL, or manage existing URLs.
  7. Publish and use the URLs however you want!


  • The URL management screen
  • The URL create/edit screen


When I try to access my new URL, I’m getting a 404 (not found) error

Sounds like you didn’t follow the installation instructions 🙂

Navigate to Settings > Permalinks and save them. No need to change anything, just click the save button.

Can I change the URL structure to use something other than /go/ ???

Yes, by using the filter simple_urls_slug.

add_filter( 'simple_urls_slug', function(){
return 'redirect-me';


June 18, 2019
After an update all links were redirected to the backend. That means: loss of income and also a lot of work to change hundreds of links. 1 star is even too much for this plugin.
July 26, 2017
Simple & easy solution to create links like this: Never had an issue with this plugin in months! Works perfect and gives a lot of possibilities. Thanks to the developer for creating this fantastic piece. I really appreciate your work.
February 3, 2017
Lo que hace es crear redirecciones personalizadas para que tengas un control exacto de tus enlaces.
September 3, 2016
I tried a few links and only got 404 errors. I uninstalled and tried Linker, which worked right away.
Read all 20 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Simple URLs” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Simple URLs” has been translated into 3 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Simple URLs” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fixed URLs not properly redirecting.


  • Coding standards.
  • Added composer.
  • Added Circle CI integration.
  • Added new filter to change the slug.
  • Added REST support to ensure Simple URLs appear in list when linking text.
  • Added cast string to int to avoid type error.


  • WordPress compatibility.


  • Add plugin header i18n
  • Add textdomain loader


  • Changed messages and labels.
  • Updated textdomain.
  • Generated POT file.


  • Fixed saving bug


  • Removed capability line from the register function. Users with permission to edit posts can create/edit URLs.
  • Bumped to show compatibility with WordPress 3.0.4


  • Fixed a type in the plugin URL
  • Bumped to show compatibility with WordPress 3.0.2


  • Fixed bug with URLs with ampersands in them
  • Added 'with_front' => false to the post type registration


  • Initial Beta Release