The Communications of the TeX Users Group

Press Figure

The TUGboat journal is a unique benefit of joining TUG. It is currently published three times a year and distributed to all TUG members (for that year). Anyone can also buy copies of any issue, past or present, from the TUG store.

All issues prior to the current one are publicly available. We post articles online for the benefit of the entire TeX community, but TUGboat is funded by member support. So please consider joining TUG if you find TUGboat useful.

TUGboat publishes the proceedings of TUG's annual conferences, and sometimes other TeX conferences. A list of other publications by TUG, and some by other user groups is available, as well as numerous book reviews (more welcome). We also have a list of announcements for TUGboat, and the current editorial board.

Upcoming submission deadlines

Submitting articles to TUGboat

We very much appreciate potential contributions to TUGboat. It is not necessary to be a TUG member to submit an article, or an expert TeX user—TUGboat especially welcomes introductory articles, and publishes regularly on fonts, typography, and other topics.

If you have a draft submission, or ideas for articles, columns, or another item, please email us at [email protected]. For tips and technical information on writing articles, please see the TUGboat style page, and feel free to write us if questions or problems.

Basic style tips: first, please try to be concise, for the benefit of readers and yourself. Second, be precise but informal, as if you were giving an explanation to an interested friend. And third, avoid the pomposity and passive voice that is stereotypical of academic journals.

Copyright to articles in TUGboat remain with the authors, but the submission of an article gives (by default) us permission to publish both on paper and online.


Questions about TUGboat itself should go to the editors, [email protected].

Questions regarding content or accuracy of articles should be directed to the authors, with an information copy to the editors. Submissions to TUGboat are reviewed by volunteers and checked by the editors before publication. However, the authors are still assumed to be the experts.

TUGboat has a letters column, for correspondence intended for the readership. Please send letters to be published to [email protected], as usual.

Issues not received?

If you are missing an issue, or have not received your subscription, please report the details, along with your current mailing address, to the TUG office.

$Date: 2020/09/12 21:00:50 $;
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