Calling everyone who gives a damn and isn’t sexist.


who are we

We are a 100% volunteer-driven, open-source organisation that believes in using technology to support survivors of violence. We’re looking for ambitious, passionate and skilled volunteers and advisors to help us make this happen. The larger we are, the greater our impact can be.

ways to support

There are many ways you can support our work:

  • Share our projects on social media
  • Donate money to us via paypal or Github Sponsors. If you want to make a sizeable donation, you can also email team at chayn dot co
  • Does your company do pro-bono work? Pitch a collaboration!

And most importantly, apply to join our team as a volunteer. Keep reading below to see what that entails!

what is it like to volunteer?

Becoming a volunteer at Chayn means joining a global community of vocal, proactive go-getters. You’ll meet tons of other people interested in ending gender-based violence and making the world safer for women. Hear more from our volunteers about why they love spending their free time with Chayn. 

Getting started is easy: you can help on your own time, from your own home (or meet up with other local Chayners). A fast-moving organization, we’re always working on something new. Volunteers help with everything from user research and app development to fundraising and marketing. Our network, which includes volunteers from different countries and cultures, is set up to support collaboration.

“I’ve volunteered for many organizations over the years and what I love about Chayn is how we’re continuously learning and adapting to the latest technology. Even after working in the media and entertainment sector for a decade, Chayn is the most technologically savvy organization I’ve ever been a part of. It’s great to be part of such an energized team.” — Serena Vora

“As an explicitly feminist and intersectional organisation, each project feels exciting, collaborative and radically progressive.” — Olivia Jardine


Nooreen Khan
People Lead

what we expect from our volunteers

We ask our volunteers to contribute at least 4 hours a week and to attend our monthly Chayn Day, a 3-hour meeting on the first Sunday of every month. This isn’t a hard and fast rule — we’re all about being adaptable — but it helps us to move forward on projects and keep our community strong. 

Since we’re a remote organization that relies heavily on technology to stay in touch, we expect volunteers to be active on Facebook and be comfortable using (or learning to use) Slack, Google Drive and other digital platforms. 

This shouldn’t be a barrier — we are happy to get you familiar with our systems — but if you are looking for an in-person, analogue experience then Chayn might not be the right for you. If you are not able to commit to our time and technological requirements but have an interesting project idea and would like to collaborate with us, you can shoot us an email: team at chayn dot co

the process

Step 1: Fill out the form below. If you meet our requirements, you’ll get an email from our team within 3 weeks (though usually much sooner).

Step 2: Meet us (virtually). We’ll ask you to read our latest impact report and come prepared for an informal discussion with our People lead, Nooreen Khan. This will be our chance to get to know each other. We hope you’ll ask questions about current projects and tell us how you would like to contribute to Chayn’s work. We’ll be especially interested in understanding your motivations for joining our organization and making sure our values match up.

Step 3: Join our team (trial). We’ll send you instructions for connecting to our Facebook group and Slack. You’ll see how we run projects and be able to start working on stuff right away. We’re a very welcoming group that cares a lot about our community, so we use this trial period as a way to figure out if new volunteers are a good fit.

Step 4: Become an official Chayner (for real). After a month, if you’re happy and so are we, you’ll become a full Chayn team member. Welcome on board!

For those who can’t volunteer but still want to support – don’t worry, we’re cooking up a way for you to still be involved.