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Whether you have a specific question, an issue to troubleshoot, or want to learn more about what Google for Education products can do, we’re here to help.

Google for Education Help Centers

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Google for Education Help Forums

Connect with other users to learn from their experiences. Search or browse for relevant topics and jump into conversations quickly and easily.

Google for Education Partners

Find experts in your area who can help you with training, implementation, and best practices for getting the most out of Google for Education products.

A Pixelbook displays the Google for Education Product Support site which includes a breakdown by product—Google Workspace, ChromeOS, Classroom, Expeditions, Forms, Vault, Science Journal, and Docs.

Specialized support for IT administrators

Guides, helpful tips, and tutorials on setting up and managing Google Workspace for Education and Chrome devices.

Google Workspace Administrator Help Center

Chrome device management help center

Google Cloud support

Try our role-based support option, connect with developer communities, access product guides and documentation, or contact technical support.

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