How many strings removed?

I remember yesterday the strings of WP translate was almost 60,000. But today many of them removed and now have 41,000.

Would you tell me how much removed and What was the type of them to update this post?

#update, #update-news


How can I join the translation community Slack channel?

@ckykenken, good news! You can…

@ckykenken, good news! You can now select Hong Kong Chinese as a language in the language selector! Thank you so much for your contribution to Hong Kong Chinese translations. We really appreciate all your dedication.

Requesting to opt out

Hi everyone 👋

So I’ve been translating the strings of my locale (Sinhala) years ago when I was schooling, but I actually couldn’t contribute to this properly in years. And I don’t think I’d be able to validate the translations any time soon.

So I’d really appreciate it if you can unsubscribe me from the weekly email notification. Thank you 🙂


I have some thoughts on translations. Here are some examples: “Jetpack Search”, “Jetpack Scan”, “Jetpack Professional”, “Happiness Engineers”, “Jetpack Mobile Theme” and “WordPress Webinars”? Should these be translated or not? Sometimes these are translated and sometimes not translated.

Another example is: “Plan” In Swedish I always use the translation “Paket”. But I notice that the word “Plan” also appears. It is not only in old existing translations it occurs it is also in newly added strings.


I have a small question about translations.
I have noted that some translations I have made have been changed or replaced by someone else who is not a validator. Sometimes these changes do not follow the glossary or the style guide for the local language. Also, minor grammatical mistakes sometimes occur. Everyone can make mistakes and I am definitely one of them. I really appreciate when someone notices and corrects the mistakes I made.

Sometimes it feels like a bit of a waste of time after spending many hours and days translating strings and finding that a lot of the strings you translated are replaced (with the things described above). As a validator, I want to make sure that there are no strings that are pending, fuzzy or have warnings. I try to do this several times a week. I also try to translate as much as possible with the goal of reaching 100% (at least 85%) for all themes. I have absolutely no problems with not continuing to be a validator. It would actually feel a little easier and save me time and work.

I really don’t want to make anyone feel guilty and apologize if someone feels offended.

I just want to know if it is me who misunderstood or missed something.

New Validators for Kabyle

Welcome @simane1015 and @rgebbid who will help us with validate Kabyle!

May I point you to the following resources around translation at There is the non-language-specific Translation Style Guide (with the encouragement to create a language specific one), and the Translation FAQ which might answer some outstanding questions. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask here.

Thanks already for your efforts!

Korean Theme Validation

@martian36, would you be able to help us validate some theme translations for Korean? It’s for the Venture theme. In order for the translations to be deployed, 85% of the strings have been translated. There are only 28 waiting translations that need to be validated.

Thank you in advance!

New Spanish Validator

Welcome Laura (@kgumiho) who will help us with validating Spanish (Spain)!

May I point you to the following resources around translation at There is the non-language-specific Translation Style Guide, the Spanish Style Guide, the Spanish Glossary, and the Translation FAQ which might answer some outstanding questions. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask here.

Thanks already for your efforts!

Hi all! I have a…

Hi all! I have a question regarding the main translation page.

When I use the filter like this with a term Your cart is awaiting payment:


It says No translations were found! even though this term exists when I log into my dashboard.


Is there anything that I’m doing wrong? 🙂