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Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a popular web framework that happens to power [](/) ❤️

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Companies using Ruby/Rails

Companies using Ruby/Rails

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5 min read
faraday requests instrumentation

faraday requests instrumentation

Reactions 4 Comments
7 min read
Top 12 famous websites built with Ruby on Rails

Top 12 famous websites built with Ruby on Rails

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2 min read
Creating a has_many/belongs_to relationship in Rails

Creating a has_many/belongs_to relationship in Rails

Reactions 3 Comments
4 min read
Ruby Giant - Amir Rajan, Creator of DragonRuby

Ruby Giant - Amir Rajan, Creator of DragonRuby

Reactions 9 Comments 1
4 min read
Reading Rails: Understanding how accepts_nested_attributes_for works

Reading Rails: Understanding how accepts_nested_attributes_for works

Reactions 5 Comments
4 min read
Pluck single values out of ActiveRecord models or Enumerables

Pluck single values out of ActiveRecord models or Enumerables

Reactions 5 Comments 1
2 min read
How I Used the Opensource Codebase of Dev Community to Build My Own Website

How I Used the Opensource Codebase of Dev Community to Build My Own Website

Reactions 5 Comments
5 min read
How to install Ruby on Rails 6.1 with asdf on macOS Big Sur

How to install Ruby on Rails 6.1 with asdf on macOS Big Sur

Reactions 7 Comments 1
3 min read
Never mix up greater/less than when comparing dates again

Never mix up greater/less than when comparing dates again

Reactions 9 Comments
1 min read
Facebook Data Deletion Request Callback

Facebook Data Deletion Request Callback

3 min read
Polymorphysm 101. Part 1 of 3. Polymorphyc Comments.

Polymorphysm 101. Part 1 of 3. Polymorphyc Comments.

Reactions 5 Comments
2 min read
How to Deploy Rails API to Heroku (ruby-2.6.1) (PostgreSQL)

How to Deploy Rails API to Heroku (ruby-2.6.1) (PostgreSQL)

Reactions 4 Comments
2 min read
Use Heroku Dataclips to share query and do ad-hoc data exports

Use Heroku Dataclips to share query and do ad-hoc data exports

Reactions 2 Comments
1 min read
Setting up JWT in Rails API Backend for React frontend

Setting up JWT in Rails API Backend for React frontend

Reactions 3 Comments
3 min read
Project planning for a React/Rails Writing Challenge app

Project planning for a React/Rails Writing Challenge app

Reactions 6 Comments
5 min read
Generate Link Previews in Rails with Microlink

Generate Link Previews in Rails with Microlink

Reactions 3 Comments
6 min read
Workaround for Storing Arrays in Databases With No Array Type

Workaround for Storing Arrays in Databases With No Array Type

Reactions 2 Comments
5 min read
A rudimentary Stimulus WYSIWYG markdown editor

A rudimentary Stimulus WYSIWYG markdown editor

Reactions 3 Comments
5 min read
Deploying production Rails apps to GCP

Deploying production Rails apps to GCP

Reactions 7 Comments 2
1 min read
Why do you love Ruby, actually? An ode.

Why do you love Ruby, actually? An ode.

Reactions 192 Comments 70
8 min read
When not to use instance variables in RSpec

When not to use instance variables in RSpec

Reactions 5 Comments
8 min read
Use Rails `link_to_unless_current` for navigation links

Use Rails `link_to_unless_current` for navigation links

Reactions 4 Comments 1
2 min read
Understanding Ruby - Enumerable - Searching and Filtering

Understanding Ruby - Enumerable - Searching and Filtering

Reactions 3 Comments
5 min read
Adding a field to your sign-up form with Devise

Adding a field to your sign-up form with Devise

Reactions 9 Comments 1
4 min read
The DELETE Method

The DELETE Method

Reactions 9 Comments 1
3 min read
How to securely implement OAuth in Ruby on Rails

How to securely implement OAuth in Ruby on Rails

Reactions 2 Comments
11 min read
Use the Rails helper `highlight` when showing search results

Use the Rails helper `highlight` when showing search results

Reactions 5 Comments
2 min read
Fixing "sqlite3 gem which is not supported on Heroku"

Fixing "sqlite3 gem which is not supported on Heroku"

Reactions 4 Comments 1
1 min read
Load Test Your Rails Apps with Apache JMeter

Load Test Your Rails Apps with Apache JMeter

Reactions 4 Comments
12 min read
Game Building with JavaScript

Game Building with JavaScript

Reactions 13 Comments
9 min read
How To Encrypt Fields in Ruby on Rails with Lockbox

How To Encrypt Fields in Ruby on Rails with Lockbox

Reactions 6 Comments
1 min read
Alternatives to classic association fails

Alternatives to classic association fails

Reactions 2 Comments
3 min read
Introduction to Timezones in Rails

Introduction to Timezones in Rails

Reactions 4 Comments
1 min read
Building a Web App Using Sinatra and ActiveRecord

Building a Web App Using Sinatra and ActiveRecord

Reactions 3 Comments
4 min read
Rails - find VS find_by

Rails - find VS find_by

Comments 1
2 min read
Syncing files from AWS S3 to local storage on Rails

Syncing files from AWS S3 to local storage on Rails

Reactions 5 Comments
1 min read
Show relevant chunks of text with Rails `excerpt` helper

Show relevant chunks of text with Rails `excerpt` helper

Reactions 3 Comments
2 min read
The How and Why of End-to-End Testing

The How and Why of End-to-End Testing

Reactions 7 Comments 1
11 min read
Understanding Ruby - Enumerable - Grouping

Understanding Ruby - Enumerable - Grouping

Reactions 3 Comments
6 min read
Understanding Ruby - Enumerable - Combining

Understanding Ruby - Enumerable - Combining

Reactions 3 Comments
5 min read
Conquering Twitter OAuth Authorization in a Rails/React App

Conquering Twitter OAuth Authorization in a Rails/React App

Reactions 5 Comments
4 min read
Easy has_secure_password Rails API Authentication

Easy has_secure_password Rails API Authentication

Reactions 8 Comments
2 min read
Ruby on Rails is the world’s fastest web framework for startups

Ruby on Rails is the world’s fastest web framework for startups

Reactions 167 Comments 28
4 min read
Ensure required environment variables are set when booting up Rails

Ensure required environment variables are set when booting up Rails

Reactions 7 Comments
1 min read
Background jobs for Rails on GCP using Cloud Tasks

Background jobs for Rails on GCP using Cloud Tasks

Reactions 5 Comments 3
1 min read
4 ways to accelerate JSON processing with Rails and PostgreSQL

4 ways to accelerate JSON processing with Rails and PostgreSQL

Reactions 20 Comments
5 min read
Search and debug gems with `bundle open`

Search and debug gems with `bundle open`

Reactions 12 Comments
1 min read
Prevent ActiveStorage to kill your Rails app

Prevent ActiveStorage to kill your Rails app

Reactions 8 Comments
4 min read
Rails FormBuilders with TailwindCSS

Rails FormBuilders with TailwindCSS

Reactions 15 Comments
5 min read
Automatically cast params with the Rails Attributes API

Automatically cast params with the Rails Attributes API

Reactions 12 Comments 1
3 min read
TLDR: Button to update status attribute of a table

TLDR: Button to update status attribute of a table

Reactions 9 Comments
1 min read
How to do Web Scraping with Ruby on Rails?

How to do Web Scraping with Ruby on Rails?

Reactions 6 Comments
1 min read
Devise, The Swiss Army Knife of Rails User Authentication.

Devise, The Swiss Army Knife of Rails User Authentication.

Reactions 7 Comments
4 min read
Generating sitemaps hosted on S3

Generating sitemaps hosted on S3

Reactions 7 Comments
5 min read
Hotwire Bling!

Hotwire Bling!

Reactions 7 Comments 2
3 min read
30 Ruby Coding Challenges in 30 Days

30 Ruby Coding Challenges in 30 Days

Reactions 17 Comments
1 min read
How to debug interactions between your code and the Rails framework (and other gems)

How to debug interactions between your code and the Rails framework (and other gems)

Reactions 40 Comments 3
4 min read
Intuitive Ruby Event Router

Intuitive Ruby Event Router

Reactions 5 Comments 6
3 min read
Dato.RSS - RSS with Ruby

Dato.RSS - RSS with Ruby

Reactions 13 Comments
2 min read