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ISO's Presentation

The Institute of Organic Synthesis (ISO) was established as a University Research Institute in October 2003, with the aim of developing research activities of excellence in the area of organic chemistry, primarily looking for an application of the results of basic research to technological development. The ISO also intends to provide technical advice within the scope of its competences, encouraging the interaction with other public and private entities directed to some fruitful ways of cooperation. It also actively participates in the training of researchers through the Doctorate Program "Organic Synthesis", being its management centre.

The ISO is able to develop research projects related to the pharmaceutical and food industries, fragrances and cosmetics, dyes and paints, polymers, agrochemicals and petrochemicals, among others.

Our Institute is integrated into the UA (University of Alicante, Campus of San Vicente del Raspeig) and is equipped with an infrastructure, instrumentation, technology, electronic (including access to multiple databases) and human resources, enabling the development of any project related to organic synthesis. In this respect, the ISO benefits of specially reduced rates offered by the Research Technical Services of the UA (SSTTI) and the operation of a pilot plant.

The staff is composed of fifteen Researchers, all highly qualified doctors belonging to the permanent staff of the UA, twenty-seven students which are trained in different research units, and senior technicians devoted exclusively to projects with private companies. In addition, the ISO has three Honorary Researchers: Prof. Elias J. Corey (Harvard University, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1990), Prof. Ryoji Noyori (Nagoya University, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001) and Irina P. Beletskaya (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Alicante, 2015).


If your company needs of Organic Synthesis to be more competitive, come and meet us at the University of Alicante. We would be pleased to innovate with you.


Dr. Francisco Alonso Valdés

Director of ISO





Contact details:

  • e-mail: [email protected]
  • Telephone number: 0034 965903400 Ext. 2121
  • Fax number: 0034 965903549


Postal address of the ISO:

Universidad de Alicante
Instituto de Síntesis Orgánica. Facultad Ciencias I
Campus de Sant Vicent del Raspeig
Ap. 99 E-03080 Alicante


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Institute of Organic Synthesis (ISO)

Universidad de Alicante
Facultad de Ciencias. Fase I.
Carretera de San Vicente del Raspeig S/N
03690 San Vicente del Raspeig
Alicante (Spain)

Tel: (+34) 96 590 3400. Ext. 2121

Fax: (+34) 96 590 3464

For further information: [email protected], and for enquiries on this web server: [email protected]

Carretera San Vicente del Raspeig s/n - 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante - Tel. 96 590 3400 - Fax 96 590 3464