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Helsinki2 °CPassing clouds.Pe 17.22:28
New York4 °CSunny.Pe 10.22:28
London11 °CPassing clouds.Pe 15.22:28
Tokyo7 °CQuite cool.La 00.22:28

Local Time and Weather Around the World

AccraPe 15.22Passing clouds. Warm.30 °CEdmontonPe 08.22Frigid.-17 °CNassauPe 10.22Partly sunny. Warm.26 °C
Addis AbabaPe 18.22Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CFrankfurtPe 16.22Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CNew DelhiPe 20.52Sunny. Hot.32 °C
Adelaide *La 01.52Cool.16 °CGuatemala CityPe 09.22Passing clouds. Cool.16 °CNew OrleansPe 09.22Fog. Cool.16 °C
AlgiersPe 16.22Scattered clouds. Cool.15 °CHalifaxPe 11.22Passing clouds. Cold.-9 °CNew YorkPe 10.22Sunny. Chilly.4 °C
AlmatyPe 21.22Partly cloudy. Cold.-12 °CHanoiPe 22.22Passing clouds. Mild.24 °COsloPe 16.22Sunny. Cool.8 °C
AmmanPe 17.22Passing clouds. Mild.17 °CHararePe 17.22Low clouds.N/AOttawaPe 10.22Passing clouds. Cold.-6 °C
AmsterdamPe 16.22Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CHavanaPe 10.22Sunny. Mild.24 °CParisPe 16.22Partly sunny. Cool.11 °C
AnadyrLa 03.22Passing clouds. Extremely cold.-27 °CHelsinkiPe 17.22Passing clouds. Chilly.2 °CPerthPe 23.22Clear. Mild.22 °C
AnchoragePe 06.22Mostly cloudy. Chilly.-4 °CHong KongPe 23.22Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CPhiladelphiaPe 10.22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
AnkaraPe 18.22Sunny. Cool.11 °CHonoluluPe 05.22Passing clouds. Mild.23 °CPhoenixPe 08.22Scattered clouds. Cool.8 °C
AntananarivoPe 18.22Scattered clouds. Mild.24 °CHoustonPe 09.22Fog. Mild.22 °CPraguePe 16.22Broken clouds. Cool.8 °C
Asuncion *Pe 12.22Passing clouds. Hot.32 °CIndianapolisPe 10.22Passing clouds. Chilly.-2 °CReykjavikPe 15.22Drizzle. Broken clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
AthensPe 17.22Passing clouds. Mild.19 °CIslamabadPe 20.22Overcast. Mild.24 °CRio de JaneiroPe 12.22Partly sunny. Warm.28 °C
AtlantaPe 10.22Low clouds. Cool.12 °CIstanbulPe 18.22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.14 °CRiyadhPe 18.22Clear. Mild.22 °C
Auckland *La 04.22Overcast. Mild.18 °CJakartaPe 22.22Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CRomePe 16.22Clear. Mild.18 °C
BaghdadPe 18.22Sunny. Mild.22 °CJerusalemPe 17.22Passing clouds. Mild.19 °CSalt Lake CityPe 08.22Partly sunny. Chilly.1 °C
BangkokPe 22.22Passing clouds. Warm.30 °CJohannesburgPe 17.22Overcast. Cool.14 °CSan FranciscoPe 07.22Sunny. Cool.9 °C
BarcelonaPe 16.22Passing clouds. Cool.14 °CKarachiPe 20.22Haze. Warm.25 °CSan JuanPe 11.22Scattered clouds. Warm.28 °C
BeijingPe 23.22Haze. Quite cool.7 °CKathmanduPe 21.07Partly cloudy. Mild.17 °CSan SalvadorPe 09.22Sunny. Warm.25 °C
BeirutPe 17.22Clear. Mild.18 °CKhartoumPe 17.22Sunny. Pleasantly warm.30 °CSantiago *Pe 12.22Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
BelgradePe 16.22Fog. Mild.18 °CKingstonPe 10.22Partly sunny. Warm.27 °CSanto DomingoPe 11.22Passing clouds. Mild.22 °C
BengaluruPe 20.52Clear. Pleasantly warm.27 °CKinshasaPe 16.22Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °CSão PauloPe 12.22Thunderstorms. Partly sunny. Mild.20 °C
BerlinPe 16.22Scattered clouds. Cool.8 °CKiritimatiLa 05.22Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CSeattlePe 07.22Overcast. Chilly.4 °C
BogotaPe 10.22Scattered clouds. Cool.16 °CKolkataPe 20.52Haze. Warm.28 °CSeoulLa 00.22Passing clouds. Chilly.2 °C
BostonPe 10.22Passing clouds. Chilly.0 °CKuala LumpurPe 23.22Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CShanghaiPe 23.22Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
BrasiliaPe 12.22Broken clouds. Mild.21 °CKuwait CityPe 18.22Clear. Mild.20 °CSingaporePe 23.22Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
BrisbaneLa 01.22Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CKyivPe 17.22Clear. Cool.9 °CSofiaPe 17.22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.15 °C
BrusselsPe 16.22Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CLa PazPe 11.22Partly sunny. Cool.8 °CSt. John'sPe 11.52Partly sunny. Chilly.-1 °C
BucharestPe 17.22Sunny. Mild.19 °CLagosPe 16.22Partly sunny. Extremely hot.34 °CStockholmPe 16.22Sunny. Cool.10 °C
BudapestPe 16.22Passing clouds. Mild.19 °CLahorePe 20.22Passing clouds. Mild.23 °CSuvaLa 03.22Overcast. Mild.24 °C
Buenos AiresPe 12.22Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CLas VegasPe 07.22Clear. Chilly.3 °CSydney *La 02.22Partly cloudy. Mild.22 °C
CairoPe 17.22Scattered clouds. Mild.20 °CLimaPe 10.22Sunny. Mild.20 °CTaipeiPe 23.22Passing clouds. Mild.19 °C
CalgaryPe 08.22Passing clouds. Cold.-5 °CLisbonPe 15.22Light rain. Scattered clouds. Cool.14 °CTallinnPe 17.22Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °C
Canberra *La 02.22Overcast. Cool.15 °CLondonPe 15.22Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CTashkentPe 20.22Passing clouds. Chilly.-3 °C
Cape TownPe 17.22Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CLos AngelesPe 07.22Sunny. Cool.9 °CTegucigalpaPe 09.22Partly sunny. Mild.21 °C
CaracasPe 11.22Scattered clouds. Warm.28 °CMadridPe 16.22Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.16 °CTehranPe 18.52Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
Casablanca *Pe 16.22Partly sunny. Cool.16 °CManaguaPe 09.22Scattered clouds. Warm.28 °CTokyoLa 00.22Quite cool.7 °C
ChicagoPe 09.22Passing clouds. Chilly.1 °CManilaPe 23.22Haze. Warm.29 °CTorontoPe 10.22Passing clouds. Chilly.-2 °C
CopenhagenPe 16.22Overcast. Cool.8 °CMelbourne *La 02.22Passing clouds. Cool.14 °CVancouverPe 07.22Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °C
DallasPe 09.22Low clouds. Cool.9 °CMexico CityPe 09.22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.15 °CViennaPe 16.22Sunny. Mild.19 °C
Dar es SalaamPe 18.22Passing clouds. Hot.32 °CMiamiPe 10.22Scattered clouds. Warm.27 °CWarsawPe 16.22Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °C
DarwinLa 00.52Clear. Warm.27 °CMinneapolisPe 09.22Passing clouds. Chilly.-1 °CWashington DCPe 10.22Partly sunny. Cool.7 °C
DenverPe 08.22Passing clouds. Cold.-8 °CMinskPe 18.22Sunny. Quite cool.7 °CWinnipegPe 09.22Chilly.2 °C
DetroitPe 10.22Sunny. Chilly.2 °CMontevideoPe 12.22Sunny. Warm.28 °CYangonPe 21.52Clear. Warm.26 °C
DhakaPe 21.22Fog. Warm.26 °CMontréalPe 10.22Sunny. Cold.-9 °CZagrebPe 16.22Sunny. Mild.21 °C
DohaPe 18.22Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CMoscowPe 18.22Fog. Quite cool.5 °CZürichPe 16.22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.15 °C
DubaiPe 19.22Clear. Mild.22 °CMumbaiPe 20.52Haze. Warm.29 °C
DublinPe 15.22Scattered clouds. Cool.11 °CNairobiPe 18.22Overcast.N/A

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (8 places).

Pe = Perjantai 26. Helmikuu 2021 (130 places).
La = Lauantai 27. Helmikuu 2021 (12 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Perjantai 26. Helmikuu 2021, 15:22:28

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.

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