Transformative Immigration Lawyering

Fighting for a Future beyond Deportation and Criminalization


Our Vision

Just Futures Law has launched to meet the needs of the immigrants’ rights movement. Grassroots groups and organizers have called for innovative legal support for their provocative and visionary campaigns. They seek true partners to defend and grow the movement. Just Futures Law believes in a non-traditional approach:

  • Legal work must center the leadership and lived experience of organizers, activists, and base-building community groups.
  • Lawyering must serve, not direct, social movements. Attorneys have a critical movement role to play as partners in tearing down oppressive systems that have resulted in our mass deportation and incarceration state, and building democratic institutions that truly invest and grow communities.

Partners & Supporters

Comunidad Collective
Detention Watch Network
DRUM- Desis Rising Up & Moving
Families For Freedom
Georgia Latino Alliance
Grassroots Leadership
Immigration Defense Project
Immigration Legal Resource Center
Keep Ale Free
La Resistencia
MacArthur Justice Center
Movement Lab
National Domestic Workers Alliance
Organized Communites Against Deportation
Punete Movement
Siembre NC
UCI Law – Immigrant Rights Clinic
UndocuBlack Network
Campaign For Youth And Justice

Our Approach

Just Futures Law works in partnership with immigrant and racial justice organizers and base-building groups:

    1. To develop legal and advocacy strategies aimed at disrupting criminalization and deportation;


    1. To file litigation aligned with organizing; and


    1. To build a political home for lawyers and legal workers who recognize that directly-impacted communities are not only the heart and soul, but also the tactical brain, of the immigrants’ rights movement.


Contact Us

Email :

Address :

Just Futures Law
95 Washington Street, Suite 104-149
Canton, MA 02021