• Resolved tdechangy


    I wonder what path you offer to deliver correct languages to each version of the website, being a sub-domain or sub-folder (…/en/). If this is already possible (I din’t find any clear information about it), pls point me out how it works and how we can translate campaign’s content.

    I use WPML to set up multilingual sites since it is a robust solution, so adding plugins compatibilities would be relevant too.

    By the way, how does all this work accordingly on your custom landing pages ? and with Facebook tags ?

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  • Plugin Contributor ggwicz


    Hey @tdechangy,

    Thanks for reaching out. It sounds like what you’re trying to do is have your WordPress translations propagate down into the embedded forms and landing pages from ConvertKit.

    So that, for example, if you embed a ConvertKit form in a page, the /en/ version of that page would show the form in English, the /es/ version of the page would show the embedded form in Spanish, and so on.

    Is this correct?

    If so, then that is unfortunately not possible at this time with any translation methods I’m aware of, for either forms or landing pages.

    As for Facebook tags, I don’t quite understand what your question—can you elaborate?


    Thread Starter tdechangy


    – Since you don’t support translated forms synced with their respective user base using translated user lists, how do we have to proceed to build campaigns, lists, forms as much synced as possible ?

    – About Facebook tags, I asked what to expect about translatability since you seem to allow some way to sync user profile with Facebook tags or so. Maybe should user profiles and tags be used accordingly to their language, meaning that each tag would have different versions in Facebook campaigns.
    I never had to use them but knowing such things upfront could make things easier.

    Plugin Contributor ggwicz


    Hey @tdechangy,

    For both of your questions, at this time the only solution would be to literally have hard-coded translations within your ConvertKit account that you manually used in different language contexts.

    The WordPress plugin does not have any kind of “smart” way to handle that at this time.

    For further questions on how ConvertKit.com could work with multilingual sites and contexts, please send an email to [email protected] for more discussions, as these forums are only for technical issues related to the plugin specifically.

    Thank you!

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