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  • Arctic Code Vault Contributor
  • Pro


@form3tech @form3tech-oss @tfsec



Repositories of Note


  • tfsec - A static analysis powered security scanner for Terraform (recommended by ThoughtWorks!)
  • scout - A lightweight web fuzzer with pen-tester friendly bonus features
  • gitjacker - Leak git repositories from misconfigured websites
  • pax - PKCS7 padding oracle attack tool
  • furious - Lightweight port scanner
  • traitor - Automatic Linux privesc via exploitation of low-hanging fruit e.g. gtfobins


  • tml - An easy way to format/colour text for the terminal (for both Go and your shell scripts)
  • clinch - Terminal UX module
  • shox - A universal, configurable toolbar for your terminal
  • aminal - An OpenGL terminal emulator from scratch
  • sunder - Poor mans tmux


  • gca - Cellular automata in Go
  • raytracing - Raytracing library (experimental learning project)
  • magic - Detect file type from content in pure Go
  • gomoon - A stupid library for calculating moon phase


  1. 🔒🌍 Security scanner for your Terraform code

    Go 2.3k 182

  2. Automatic Linux privesc via exploitation of low-hanging fruit e.g. gtfobins ⬆️ ☠️

    Go 1.8k 71

  3. 🌈💻🎨 A tiny markup language for terminal output. Makes formatting output in CLI apps easier!

    Go 629 13

  4. A modern cross-platform terminal emulator in Go

    Go 2.2k 90

  5. 💀 🔓 CLI tool for PKCS7 padding oracle attacks

    Go 96 12

  6. 🔭 Lightweight URL fuzzer and spider: Discover a web server's undisclosed files, directories and VHOSTs

    Go 223 22

3,468 contributions in the last year

Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mon Wed Fri
Activity overview
Contributed to tfsec/tfsec, liamg/shox, liamg/traitor and 5 other repositories

Contribution activity

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